Java高性能网络应用框架,Netty 4.0.30.Final 发布
Netty 提供异步的、事件驱动的网络应用程序框架和工具,用以快速开发高性能、高可靠性的网络服务器和客户端程序。
ServerBootstrap.handler(...) will add handler before Channel is registered (#3933)
Ensure OpenSslSession informations can be retrieved even after shutdown (#3934)
Disable RC4 by default when using SslContext (#3987) (#4014)
FixedChannelPool does not count acquired channels precisely (#3988) (#4016)
Correctly register for EPOLLRDHUP when construct EpollSocketChannel for file descriptor (#4013)
Ensure cancelled scheduled tasks can be GC'ed ASAP (#3994)
Send full response for unsupported websocket versions (#3999)
Stop calling BIO_write once internal buffer is full (#3957)
Only do priming read if there is no space in dsts buffers (#3958)
Better handling of BUFFER_OVERFLOW when unwrap data (#3959)
详细改进列表请看 our issue tracker。