Tiny Core Linux 5.2 "piCore" 发布,12兆字节的图形化Linux桌面

jopen 11年前

Tiny Core Linux是一份12兆字节的图形化Linux桌面。它基于Linux 2.6内核、BusyBox、Tiny X、Fltk、Flwm。其核心完全运行于内存中并且启动非常快。用户对需要支持哪些应用程序和/或额外硬件拥有完全的控制,无论系统是面向台式机、上网机、应用服务器;这可以从该项目的在线软件仓库中进行选择。
Tiny Core Linux 5.2
Béla Markus has announced the release of "piCore", an edition of Tiny Core Linux designed specifically for the Raspberry Pi single-board computer: " Team Tiny Core is pleased to announce the availability of piCore 5.2, the Raspberry Pi port of Tiny Core Linux. It is an independent system architected by Robert Shingledecker and now developed by a small team of developers with strong community support. Changes from 5.1: Linux kernel updated to 3.13.3; updated RPi firmware; use BusyBox in tc-functions changed to eliminate interference with certain installed GNU apps; rebuildfstab: do not replace fstab entries for a device that does not have 'Added by TC' on the line; init: increase the default inode count; ondemand: don't list extensions under subdirs in onboot maintenance; BusyBox split suid/nosuid for better security; ldd - added quotes for binaries with spaces in their names; /etc/services - modified to suit rpcbind rather than portmap...." Read the rest of the release announcement for a complete changelog. Download: piCore-5.2-X.zip (20.4MB).
<img src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/55fec0cf9f9a8c4c5627887f920e1be1.png" title="Tiny Core Linux" alt="Tiny Core Linux 5.2 " picore"="" 发布"="" border="1" height="384" hspace="6" vspace="6" width="480">