基于Arch Linux的发行,Cinnarch 2012.11.22 发布
Cinnarch是一份现代化的、雅致的、功能强大的Linux发行及自启动运行光盘,它基于Arch Linux。它采用LightDM作为登录管理器,Cinnamon作为图形桌面,并采用Chromium作为网页浏览器。Cinnarch是滚动式发 行,且Cinnarch自启动运行光盘包含一份简单的文本界面系统安装程序。
Alex Filgueira has announced the release of an updated version of Cinnarch, an Arch-based Linux distribution with Mint's Cinnamon as the default desktop interface: " Here it is, a new release of Cinnarch. This is a list of changes: multilingual access from boot menu in syslinux, and redesign (based on Manjaro's work); available languages: English, Spanish, Galician and German; multilingual welcome message; unmuted ALSA channels; fixed screenshot button; support for USB modems and V*N in NetworkManager; Nemo as Cinnarch's new default file manager (chosen by the community); default folders (Downloads, Desktop, Images); support for VIA graphic cards; installed missing dosfstools on Cinnarch Live; option to install GRUB 2 or any UEFI bootloader; LightDM replaces LightDM-Ubuntu; Pantheon greeter replaces Unity greeter.... " Read the rest of the release announcement for a full changelog a brief list of major components. Download (MD5): cinnarch-2012.11.22-i686.iso (669MB), cinnarch-2012.11.22-x86_64.iso (708MB).