
This one is an amazing tool that allows browsing the content from Wikipedia in an eay and efficient way. As the name suggests, this tool makes use of the mind map technique. This tool allows finding the required information in an attractive way which is easier to comprehend and learn.

Tag galaxy is an amazing tool that allows creating a beautiful galaxy of tags related to a particular thing. The galaxy is visually extremely beautiful and has some bright and radiant colors.

This awesome tool lets you create a free digital timeline. It organizes the web’s content by date and time. It allows creating, sharing, embedding and collaborating on an interactive and visually attractive timelines has the ability of integrating video, audio, images, text, links, social media, location and timestamps etc.

This one is a different kinds of RSS feed reader. It makes reading RSS feed from your favorite websites even more pleasing and interesting. It organizes posts according to time. Simply add all the RSS feeds of your choice and enjoy!

WeFeelFine tool presents your feels in a fabulous way. As their website says, it is an exploration of human emotion in six movements! This tool tracks the emotional state of the blogosphere in real time in a beautiful way.
Better World Flux

This tool aims at making a positive change in the world, thus bringing some beautiful visualization of data of things that really matter in life such as happiness, life expectancy, and years of schooling etc. The data is presented in a colorful flowing Flux.

With the flood of information coming out every day, data visualization is now a must use technique to make all the information easy to comprehend, as it allows communicating data in a sophisticated and interactive way.
Data Stories

This one is a great podcast on data visualization with Enrico Bertini and Moritz Stefaner. It is bi-weekly and gives you all the help you can want regarding data visualization.

This one is a great analytical timeline visualization tool for temporal data. This tool is currently in alpha version so there is a chance of finding glitches. It provides five different displays: timeline view, calendar view, bar chart view, and table view.
Here Is Today

Here Is Today actually tells you exactly what its name says, and that is, where is today in the history since the beginning of earth! It is an awesome and really intriguing and fascinating tool.