9 个最好的 Ruby On Rails 开发的内容管理系统(CMS)
Ruby on Rails是一个开放源码的Web应用程序框架,运行于Ruby编程语言。这个开源框架允许运行的Web应用程序,以及提供功能来创建一个从Web服务器收集信息的新页面,查询数据库和更好的功能来实现模板处理。由于此功能,它提供了安全的用户界面,它帮助了很多新手做他们的工作,而无需了解编程太多的知识。今天分享的12个最好的Ruby on Rails内容管理系统,提供了各种功能,这有助于轻松地得搭建和管理网站。
1) Best Ruby On Rails CMS- Radiant CMS
Radiant, this is one of the mots popular open source content management system with impressive features – elegant user interface, have collection of template with awesome layouts, snippets and page parts and plugins systems too.
2) Popular Ruby On Rails CMS – Adva CMS
Adva-cms is a cutting edge open source application platform based on Ruby on Rails and Rails Engines.
3) Best Ruby On Rails CMS – Casein CMS
Casein is open source and lightweight Ruby on rails content management system with minimal CURD interface for your data, user authentication and basic management.
4) Impressive Ruby On Rails CMS – Browser CMS
This Ruby on Rails CMS(Content management System) has the set of robust features that make it most popular among editors. Its is very simple and easy to use for everyone.
5) Top Ruby On Rails CMS – Refinery CMS
Refinery CMS is 100% free or at no cost anyone can use and modify according to requirement. Provide the interface to creating custom content manageable websites.
6)Most Popular Ruby On rails CMS – Locomotive CMS
Locomotive CMS is totally focus on – front -end technology,standard development process and no-learning time for your client.
7) Best Ruby On rails CMS – Comfortable Mexican Sofa
ComfortableMexicanSofa is one of the most powerful CMS Engine for Ruby on Rails 3 applications. Its have great features - Powerful page templating capability using tags, multiple sites from a single installation and much more.
8) Ruby On rails CMS – Slate CMS
Slate, this is the CMS using ruby on rails to helps you for creating stylish websites by WVU web services.
9) Popular Ruby on rails CMS – Webiva