KANOTIX 2013 "LinuxTag" 发布,基于Debian“sid”的Linux发行

jopen 11年前

KANOTIX是基于Debian“sid”的Linux发行。通常它包含最新的软件包及内核,精心安装了补丁和面向多数时新硬件的驱动。尽管它可以当作 一张自启动运行光盘使用,它也包含了一份简单的图形化安装程序,以便于硬盘安装。一份定制的控制中心和专家脚本进一步增强了该发行的用户友好特性。 KANOTIX通过如下渠道得到来自该发行活跃的和友好的用户社区的技术支持:多语种论坛、Wiki和IRC频道。
<IMG title=KANOTIX border=0 alt="KANOTIX 2013 " align=middle src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/e4ff00fc4195344321117bcdd343042d.png" width=90 height=64 发布,基于debian“sid”的linux发行?="" linuxtag?="">
Directly from the LinuxTag 2013 conference and exhibition in Berlin comes a new version of KANOTIX, a Debian-based distribution (with KDE or LXDE) on a live DVD: " I am proud to announce the release of KANOTIX Dragonfire from LinuxTag 2013 in Berlin. Kanotix Dragonfire is based on the recently released Debian 7.0. Besides KDE as the default desktop environment, beginning with this release there exists a lightweight alternative with LXDE. Additionally, we offer a special image similar to the CeBIT special. The main difference is that it has a pre-installed Steam client, a newer MESA version (9.1.1), gfxdetect and a newer glibc 2.17, KDE SC 4.8.4 and LXDE, Iceweasel 21.0, Linux kernel 3.9; LibreOffice 4.0.3...." Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download links: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2013-Dragonfire64-KDE.iso (1,240MB, MD5), Download: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2013-Dragonfire64-KDE-special.iso (1,240MB, MD5), Download: KANOTIX-LinuxTag2013-Dragonfire64-LXDE.iso (1,319MB, MD5).
<IMG title=KANOTIX border=1 hspace=6 alt="KANOTIX 2013 " vspace=6 src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/6900495be8538c9818daf50990e893c0.png" width=480 height=384 发布,基于debian“sid”的linux发行?="" linuxtag?="">