1. Skippr
Skippr is a super simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. Simply include jquery.skippr.css inside your head tag and jquery.skippr.js just before the closing body tag. Create a target element with divs inside, one for each slide, and add a background image with css or the style attribute. Skippr targets div tags inside of the selected element with background-images applied to them. Put this target element inside of a container element styled and positioned to your liking. The target element will completely fill it’s parent container element.
2. Prezento
Prezento is a jQuery plugin that you can show your web designs in a new, interactive way. Show your visitors that you’ve created a responsive design, choose the device the design should be showcased on and you’re set.
3. Responsiveslides.js
ResponsiveSlides.js is a tiny jQuery plugin that creates a responsive slideshow using images inside ul tag. It works with wide range of browsers including all IE versions from IE6 and up. It also adds css max-width support for IE6 and other browsers that don’t natively support it. Only dependency is jQuery (1.4 and up supported) and that all the images are same size.
4. Reveal.js
A framework for easily creating beautiful presentations using HTML. reveal.js comes with a broad range of features including nested slides, Markdown contents, PDF export, speaker notes and a JavaScript API. It’s best viewed in a modern browser but fallbacks are available to make sure your presentation can still be viewed elsewhere.
5. Vegas 2
Vegas Background jQuery plugin lets you add beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages. It even allows Slideshows. Slideshows of different backgrounds, transition and callbacks can be easily set up. Most of the time, backgrounds are stretched a lot to fit big screens. An overlay with a texture can be added to mask the image degradation effects. It also adds a stylish look to your backgrounds. You can easily add overlay pattern to your backgrounds with CSS.
6. Fotoroma
Fotorama is a highly flexible image gallery plugin for jQuery that works in both desktop and mobile browsers. It offers multiple options for browsing through the images including thumbnails, prev-next buttons, swiping, slideshow or bullet navigation.
7. SlidesJS
SlidesJS is a crazy simple slideshow plugin for jQuery. It’s easy to implement, customize and style. What could be better? With features like looping, auto play, fade or slide transition effects, crossfading, image preloading, auto generated pagination, the list goes on. SlidesJS is compatible with all modern web browsers including; Internet Explorer 7/8/9, Firefox 3+, Chrome, Safari and Mobile Safari. And it’ll even work in our old friend IE6.
8. MaxImage
MaxImage 2.0 is a fullscreen background slideshow plugin that utilizes jQuery Cycle Plugin and all it’s transitions / options. MaxImage 2.0 determines whether your browser can use CSS3′s background-size:cover. If it can, it uses it as to limit the amount of heavy lifting that jQuery has to do. That means the majority of your users will have a slim and smooth experience. That is so important with large image animations.
9. Slide Me
Slideme is a responsive, css3, compatible (works fine even with IE7), customizable, easy to install (and use), multi-instance, fullscreen, cool, powerful slideshow plugin for jQuery.
10. Juicy Slider
Juicy Slider is a responsive slideshow plugin for jQuery. Unlike other plugins that rely on CSS3 browser support, it adjusts image size by computing the corresponding aspect ratio of images and viewport using javascript. This approach makes it more compatible with older browsers. The current release uses jQuery UI to set its transition effects.
11. Fullsizable
fullsizable is a jQuery plugin to take full available browser space for image viewing. Also supports the native HTML5 fullscreen API in modern browsers.
12. jQuery Slideshow
jQuery Slideshow is a performant and developer friendlyimage slideshow and content carousel plugin with support for touch gestures. 2KB when gzipped.
13. ConveyorBelt
Conveyor-Belt is a simple but well adjustable slideshow carousel jQuery plugin. Plenty of configurations available, including transition types; image fits; slideshow speeds;
14. Destaque
Destaque is a simple slideshow plugin with built-in parallax effect.
15. Camera
Camera is created by the developers of Diapo and includes myriad of features for working with responsive layouts. Slides can be created with any HTML elements (images, text, videos, etc.) and Camera displays them with a good looking interface + a set of transitions.