操作NoSQL数据库Redis的Java类库,Spring Data Redis 1.0.2 发布
jopen 12年前
Spring Data Redis 是 Spring Data 用来访问 Redis 的子模块。它具有以下优点:
1.目前redis java客户端有多个:如jredis,jedis。用adapter的方式屏蔽了底层实现。让我们可以随意切换redis实现
6.集成了spring的transaction manager。
升级到 Spring Framework 3.1.2
升级到 SLF4J 1.6.6
升级到 Log4J 1.2.17
升级到 Jackson 1.8.8
升级构建系统至 Gradle 1.2
Package o.s.d.redis.cache
Fixed bug causing constructor to ignore cache name prefix
Introduced expiration time for cache zones
Package o.s.d.redis.core
Fixed incorrect return value (from primitive to Object) on BoundHashOperations#hasKey
Added overloaded ZSet methods with offset/count parameters
Package o.s.d.redis.connection
Refined RedisConnectionCommands, RedisKeyCommands interface signature
Package o.s.d.redis.listener
Fixed bug causing the message channel to not be passed to the listener
Package o.s.d.redis.support.collection
Added checks for incorrect pipeline/multi-exec access for better reporting