代码托管平台,GitLab 8.2.0 RC2 发布
GitLab是一个利用 Ruby on Rails 开发的开源应用程序,实现一个自托管的Git项目仓库,可通过Web界面进行访问公开的或者私人项目。
GitLab 5.0以前版本要求服务器端采用 Gitolite 搭建,5.0版本以后不再使用 Gitolite ,采用自己开发的 gitlab-shell 来实现。如果你觉得安装麻烦可以使用 GitLab Installers 一键安装程序。
GitLab 8.2.0 RC2 发布,GitLab 8.2.0 主要改进如下: - Improved performance of finding projects and groups in various places
- Improved performance of rendering user profile pages and Atom feeds
- Fix grouping of contributors by email in graph.
- Improved performance of finding issues with/without labels
- Remove CSS property preventing hard tabs from rendering in Chromium 45 (Stan Hu)
- Fix Drone CI service template not saving properly (Stan Hu)
- Fix avatars not showing in Atom feeds and project issues when Gravatar disabled (Stan Hu)
- Added a GitLab specific profiling tool called "Sherlock" (see GitLab CE merge request #1749)
- Upgrade gitlab_git to 7.2.20 and rugged to 0.23.3 (Stan Hu)
- Improved performance of finding users by one of their Email addresses
- Add allow_failure field to commit status API (Stan Hu)
- Commits without .gitlab-ci.yml are marked as skipped
- Save detailed error when YAML syntax is invalid
- Since GitLab CI is enabled by default, remove enabling it by pushing .gitlab-ci.yml
- Added build artifacts
- Improved performance of replacing references in comments
- Show last project commit to default branch on project home page
- Highlight comment based on anchor in URL
- Adds ability to remove the forked relationship from project settings screen. (Han Loong Liauw)
- Improved performance of sorting milestone issues
- Allow users to select the Files view as default project view (Cristian Bica)
- Show "Empty Repository Page" for repository without branches (Artem V. Navrotskiy)
- Fix: Inability to reply to code comments in the MR view, if the MR comes from a fork
- Use git follow flag for commits page when retrieve history for file or directory
- Show merge request CI status on merge requests index page
- Send build name and stage in CI notification e-mail
- Extend yml syntax for only and except to support specifying repository path
- Enable shared runners to all new projects
- Bump GitLab-Workhorse to 0.4.1
- Allow to define cache in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
- Fix: 500 error returned if destroy request without HTTP referer (Kazuki Shimizu)
- Remove deprecated CI events from project settings page
- Improve personal snippet access workflow (Douglas Alexandre)
- [API] Add ability to fetch the commit ID of the last commit that actually touched a file
- Fix omniauth documentation setting for omnibus configuration (Jon Cairns)
- Add "New file" link to dropdown on project page
- Include commit logs in project search
- Add "added", "modified" and "removed" properties to commit object in webhook
- Rename "Back to" links to "Go to" because its not always a case it point to place user come from
- Allow groups to appear in the search results if the group owner allows it
- Add email notification to former assignee upon unassignment (Adam Lieskovský)
- New design for project graphs page
- Remove deprecated dumped yaml file generated from previous job definitions
- Fix incoming email config defaults
- Show specific runners from projects where user is master or owner
- MR target branch is now visible on a list view when it is different from project's default one
- Improve Continuous Integration graphs page
- Make color of "Accept Merge Request" button consistent with current build status
- Add ignore white space option in merge request diff and commit and compare view
- Ability to add release notes (markdown text and attachments) to git tags (aka Releases)
- Relative links from a repositories README.md now link to the default branch
- Fix trailing whitespace issue in merge request/issue title
- Fix bug when milestone/label filter was empty for dashboard issues page
- Add ability to create milestone in group projects from single form
- Add option to create merge request when editing/creating a file (Dirceu Tiegs)
- Prevent the last owner of a group from being able to delete themselves by 'adding' themselves as a master (James Lopez)
- Add Award Emoji to issue and merge request pages
ruby 1.9.3+
mysql or postgresql