
yxwpx 10年前

1. Login Page Designer

login page designer
Login page designer provides you to easy way to customize the appearance of the wordPress login page with many options. Login Page Designer plugin have many option for customizing login page. You can easy way to setting & install this plugin.

2. Category Gallery

category gallery
With this plugin you can prepare WP categorized image galleries including more than 500 photos with preloader technique without decreasing initial page loading performance.

3. Admin Bar Plugin Switcher

admin bar plugin switcher
This plugin adds a menu in admin bar that enables toggling of activation status of plugins. It can be helpful to developers who want to quickly see something before and after plugin is activated. It has no settings, just activate it and it works immediately for any user that has permission to activate/deactivate plugins.

4. 非死book Social Stream

非死book social stream
The 非死book Social Stream plugin generates a responsive, SEO optimized and cached非死book feed for your website. You do not even need a 非死book API key! Just configure the 非死book page name and add the shortcode [fb_social_stream] to your page.

5. Remove All Attachments

remove all attachments
When you have a lot of attachments in a post or page, it is pain to delete them one by one. This plugin will add a \”remove all attachments\” button to add/edit post page in media buttons area. It is an additional function for attachments plugin. It will remove all attachments for current post or page.

6. 油Tube Live Stream Auto Embed

油Tube live stream
This WordPress plugin provides a shortcode to automatically embed the latest video or current live stream of a specified 油Tube channel. It comes with an options page to let you set the default options for 油Tube channel. Height, Width, Responsive Player.

7. Block Referer Spam

block referer spam
Block Referer Spam aims at blocking all (or most) websites that use Referer Spam to promote their – often more than dodgy – website content. This is accomplished by bots that very successfully simulate human behavior. They do this so well, that they even show up in Google Analytics. This plugin does not need any further configuration. Once active and auto-update is enabled, you will barely see any of those nasty spammers any more.

8. WP Rewords

wp rewords
The WP Rewords plugin allows you to display a different page or post titles by looking at the url parameters. All advertising and engagement platforms like Google Adwords, 非死book Ads, Mailchimp allow you to create a custom urls to the same landing page for each campaign or segment so you can track specific performance.

9. Post Title Icon

post title icon
Post Title Icons turns your blog titles into something special. You simply insert the url of a custom icon, either hosted on your own blog or anywhere on the web and it will automatically be inserted inside of blog titles. You can also select different icons for different blog categories and make all your categories stand out. PTI is a simple and clean plugin that does not affect your blog performance.

10. Social Stream

social stream
Social Stream takes your latest posts from 推ter, 非死book and your WordPress blog to merge them into a single feed. This can be displayed anywhere on your site with a shortcode or series of helper PHP functions.

11. UX Tracker

ux tracker
UX Tracker will allow you track and analyse your sites users behaviour with tools such as Google Analytics and Inspectlet. It easily utilises custom dimensions in Analytics and also tags user sessions in Inspectlet for later analysis. This plugin utilises the popular jQuery plugins ‘TrackAnything’ and ‘ScrollDepth’ which fire off Analytic events when users interact with your site and measure how far the user scrolls on each page.

12. Oviex Contact Form

oviex contact form
Oviex Contact form is a simple contact form which works out of the box. Use shortcode on posts or pages to generate Oviex Contact Form.Oviex Contact Form send all the submitted entries to admin specified email address. Settings page provides the ease of defining custom Subject, From Name, From Email, Success Message and Error Message.

13. Tags Link

tag link
Tags link automatically Search Tags in content and convert tags to tags link. optimization seo .

14. WP Speed Up

wp speed up
WP SpeedUp is a great plugin to implement to install and forget about the page load speed issues. You can change settings from wp-admin or can leave it to default, you will feel significant difference in your website page load speed.

15. GS Portfolio

gs portfolio
GS Portfolio is a WordPress plugin which creates custom post type to showcase your project works as portfolio. Best Responsive Portfolio plugin for your WordPress site. Display anywhere at your site using shortcode like [gs_portfolio].