
ew45 10年前


1. SASS Guidelines

SASS Guidelines is a perfect tool to write and maintain SASS. This style-guide regularly updates SASS and fixes CSS errors. It also improves CSS syntax to provide extra features and handy tools.


2. Evil Icons

This tool consists of a collection of SVG icons designed for web projects. It is available as Ruby gem, a Node.js Package and Grunt plugin. All you need to do is use an icon name along with the template and style and it will automatically use the icon. You can change the icon’s color, size and other parameters.


3. deSVG

This tool simply styles SVGs with CSS and removes SVG bloat from the HTML document. SVG will still be accessible without Java Script. It simply takes the <img/> tag using AJAX and replaces it with <sv/> tag.


4. Squire

Squire is an extremely useful HTML 5 editor that provides cross-browser normalization while being super light and flexible. It was written as a component for writing documents and not doing WYSIWG websites. It is very lightweight since it does not include its own XHR wrapper, widget library or lightbox overlays.


5. BigPicture

BigPicture is a notepad where you can zoom or pan in any direction for any number of times. It is kind of a mind mapping tool.


6. wysiHTML

This is an open source, community developed WYSIWYG HTML rich text editor. The source code of the editor is completely library agnostic and it requires no jQuery, Prototype or iFrames.


7. Coolors

Coolors is an application for generating super fast color scheme generators for web designers. It is quick and very easy to use.


8. CSSdig

CSSdig helps analyse CSS in a new way. It will take a look at your CSS properties, their frequency, variations and solve all the queries.


9. Snabbt.js

This tool is a JavaScript animation library that can move all of the elements on the web page in many possible ways including rotate, scale, skew and translate. Snabbt.js also offers matrix multiplication operations, which combine any transformation and movement. Its goal is to make a library allowing users to make smooth animations without knowing much about browser rendering.


10. Gumba

This is a free HTML5/CSS3 single page website template. It is very easy to use with simple crisp design patterns.


11. Titon Toolkit

Titon Toolkit is designed for both developers and designers and offers extensible front end HTML, CSS and JavaScript user interface components for creating responsive and mobile webpages. It provides flexible styles, scalable spacing, and graceful degradation. It also has a better approach for animations and transitions.


12. Mootor Framework

Mootor Framework is a framework where developers can access open source tools which develop mobile applications based on HTML5.


13. Eager

Eager is most suitable for business websites because it helps you generate more leads and delights the visitors.


14. Hoverstat

This tool provides great designs with front end development.


15. Nibbler

Nibbler is a free tool for testing any website. Developers can enter the address of the website and it will give a performance card.
