rspamd 0.5.5 发布,反垃圾邮件系统

jopen 11年前

Rspamd是一个反垃圾邮件系统设计得比SpamAssassin工作速度快,采用事件模型和各种优化。其最重要的特点是针对不同的消息部位应用正则表达式和Lua规则过滤。一些内置的消息分析,模糊哈希支持,SURBL过滤器,电子邮件和字符表。支持远程管理,控制操作界面和一个Lua插件系统,收集,统计支持(OSB/贝叶斯),和一个基于AJAX的Web管理界面。 rspamd 0.5.5 发布,反垃圾邮件系统

发布说明:The Bayes statistical module now uses the inverse chi-square distribution for normalizing, which increases accuracy of spam filtering. Support for IPv6 was improved with the ability to listen on IPv6 addresses, address selection algorithms, and support for IPv6 DNS resolvers. Fuzzy storage has been improved to support update requests only from specific IP addresses. A number of bugs in the main code and Web UI were fixed. A CentOS RPM spec file has been added