
jopen 10年前

1. Phaser

Phaser is a fast, free and fun open source framework for Canvas and WebGL powered browser games. You can use Phaser framework to build awesome web based games and for mobile devices as well. Be sure to checkout this amazing framework and their demos at http://phaser.io

6个流行的 HTML5游戏框架

2. Pixi.js

Pixi.js is a fast 2d rendering game engine that you can use to build html5 and mobile games. Be sure to checkout this awesome framework at http://www.pixijs.com

6个流行的 HTML5游戏框架

3. Kiwi.js

Kiwi.js is a fun and friendly open source html5 game engine. Kiwi.js is fast and easy to learn. Be sure to checkout this framework when creating your next game. Visit http://www.kiwijs.org to learn more.

6个流行的 HTML5游戏框架

4. CreateJS

Createjs is a suite of libraries and tools that work together to create rich interactive content on the web. You can also use createjs to create web and mobile based games.

6个流行的 HTML5游戏框架

5. Quintus

Quintus is an easy-to-learn, fun-to-use Javascript HTML5 game engine for mobile and desktop. You can learn how to create a simple platform game in 80 lines of code. Checkout this cool game framework at http://www.html5quintus.com

6个流行的 HTML5游戏框架

6. CraftyJS

Crafty JS is a flexible mobile and html5 framework for javascript games. It will work on all modern web browsers including IE9. Find out more about this framework by checking out http://craftyjs.com/