分布式计算系统,Spark 发布1.0.0 版本

jopen 11年前

Spark 是一种与 Hadoop 相似的开源集群计算环境,但是两者之间还存在一些不同之处,这些有用的不同之处使 Spark 在某些工作负载方面表现得更加优越,换句话说,Spark 启用了内存分布数据集,除了能够提供交互式查询外,它还可以优化迭代工作负载。

Spark 是在 Scala 语言中实现的,它将 Scala 用作其应用程序框架。与 Hadoop 不同,Spark 和 Scala 能够紧密集成,其中的 Scala 可以像操作本地集合对象一样轻松地操作分布式数据集。
尽管创建 Spark 是为了支持分布式数据集上的迭代作业,但是实际上它是对 Hadoop 的补充,可以在 Hadoop 文件系统中并行运行。通过名为Mesos的第三方集群框架可以支持此行为。Spark 由加州大学伯克利分校 AMP 实验室 (Algorithms, Machines, and People Lab) 开发,可用来构建大型的、低延迟的数据分析应用程序。

Spark 集群计算架构

虽然 Spark 与 Hadoop 有相似之处,但它提供了具有有用差异的一个新的集群计算框架。首先,Spark 是为集群计算中的特定类型的工作负载而设计,即那些在并行操作之间重用工作数据集(比如机器学习算法)的工作负载。为了优化这些类型的工作负载,Spark 引进了内存集群计算的概念,可在内存集群计算中将数据集缓存在内存中,以缩短访问延迟。

Spark 还引进了名为弹性分布式数据集(RDD) 的抽象。RDD 是分布在一组节点中的只读对象集合。这些集合是弹性的,如果数据集一部分丢失,则可以对它们进行重建。重建部分数据集的过程依赖于容错机制,该机制可以维护 "血统"(即允许基于数据衍生过程重建部分数据集的信息)。RDD 被表示为一个 Scala 对象,并且可以从文件中创建它;一个并行化的切片(遍布于节点之间);另一个 RDD 的转换形式;并且最终会彻底改变现有 RDD 的持久性,比如请求缓存在内存中。

Spark 中的应用程序称为驱动程序,这些驱动程序可实现在单一节点上执行的操作或在一组节点上并行执行的操作。与 Hadoop 类似,Spark 支持单节点集群或多节点集群。对于多节点操作,Spark 依赖于 Mesos 集群管理器。Mesos 为分布式应用程序的资源共享和隔离提供了一个有效平台。该设置充许 Spark 与 Hadoop 共存于节点的一个共享池中。

Apache Spark 1.0 发布了,这是一个主要的版本,包含大量新特性和强 API 兼容性。此外该版本增加了一个主要组件 —— Spark SQL 用来操作 Spark 上的结构化数据;此外增强了 Java 和 Python 语言的支持;完全支持 Hadoop/YARN 安全模型和一个统一的集群管理的提交过程。

下载地址:source package(5 MB tgz) 和预编译包 Hadoop 1 / CDH3, CDH4, orHadoop 2 / CDH5 / HDP2(160 MB tgz). 其他下载 Apache download site.

Spark Release 1.0.0

Spark 1.0.0 is a major release marking the start of the 1.X line. This release brings both a variety of new features and strong API compatibility guarantees throughout the 1.X line. Spark 1.0 adds a new major component, Spark SQL, for loading and manipulating structured data in Spark. It includes major extensions to all of Spark’s existing standard libraries (ML, Streaming, and GraphX) while also enhancing language support in Java and Python. Finally, Spark 1.0 brings operational improvements including full support for the Hadoop/YARN security model and a unified submission process for all supported cluster managers.

You can download Spark 1.0.0 as either a source package (5 MB tgz) or a prebuilt package for Hadoop 1 / CDH3, CDH4, orHadoop 2 / CDH5 / HDP2 (160 MB tgz). Release signatures and checksums are available at the official Apache download site.

API Stability

Spark 1.0.0 is the first release in the 1.X major line. Spark is guaranteeing stability of its core API for all 1.X releases. Historically Spark has already been very conservative with API changes, but this guarantee codifies our commitment to application writers. The project has also clearly annotated experimental, alpha, and developer API’s to provide guidance on future API changes of newer components.

Integration with YARN Security

For users running in secured Hadoop environments, Spark now integrates with the Hadoop/YARN security model. Spark will authenticate job submission, securely transfer HDFS credentials, and authenticate communication between components.

Operational and Packaging Improvements

This release significantly simplifies the process of bundling and submitting a Spark application. A new spark-submit tool allows users to submit an application to any Spark cluster, including local clusters, Mesos, or YARN, through a common process. The documentation for bundling Spark applications has been substantially expanded. We’ve also added a history server for Spark’s web UI, allowing users to view Spark application data after individual applications are finished.

Spark SQL

This release introduces Spark SQL as a new alpha component. Spark SQL provides support for loading and manipulating structured data in Spark, either from external structured data sources (currently Hive and Parquet) or by adding a schema to an existing RDD. Spark SQL’s API interoperates with the RDD data model, allowing users to interleave Spark code with SQL statements. Under the hood, Spark SQL uses the Catalyst optimizer to choose an efficient execution plan, and can automatically push predicates into storage formats like Parquet. In future releases, Spark SQL will also provide a common API to other storage systems.

MLlib Improvements

In 1.0.0, Spark’s MLlib adds support for sparse feature vectors in Scala, Java, and Python. It takes advantage of sparsity in both storage and computation in linear methods, k-means, and naive Bayes. In addition, this release adds several new algorithms: scalable decision trees for both classification and regression, distributed matrix algorithms including SVD and PCA, model evaluation functions, and L-BFGS as an optimization primitive. The programming guide and code examples for MLlib have also been greatly expanded.

GraphX and Streaming Improvements

In addition to usability and maintainability improvements, GraphX in Spark 1.0 brings substantial performance boosts in graph loading, edge reversal, and neighborhood computation. These operations now require less communication and produce simpler RDD graphs. Spark’s Streaming module has added performance optimizations for stateful stream transformations, along with improved Flume support, and automated state cleanup for long running jobs.

Extended Java and Python Support

Spark 1.0 adds support for Java 8 new lambda syntax in its Java bindings. Java 8 supports a concise syntax for writing anonymous functions, similar to the closure syntax in Scala and Python. This change requires small changes for users of the current Java API, which are noted in the documentation. Spark’s Python API has been extended to support several new functions. We’ve also included several stability improvements in the Python API, particularly for large datasets. PySpark now supports running on YARN as well.


Spark’s programming guide has been significantly expanded to centrally cover all supported languages and discuss more operators and aspects of the development life cycle. The MLlib guide has also been expanded with significantly more detail and examples for each algorithm, while documents on configuration, YARN and Mesos have also been revamped.

Smaller Changes

  • PySpark now works with more Python versions than before – Python 2.6+ instead of 2.7+, and NumPy 1.4+ instead of 1.7+.
  • Spark has upgraded to Avro 1.7.6, adding support for Avro specific types.
  • Internal instrumentation has been added to allow applications to monitor and instrument Spark jobs.
  • Support for off-heap storage in Tachyon has been added via a special build target.
  • Datasets persisted with DISK_ONLY now write directly to disk, significantly improving memory usage for large datasets.
  • Intermediate state created during a Spark job is now garbage collected when the corresponding RDDs become unreferenced, improving performance.
  • Spark now includes a Javadoc version of all its API docs and a unified Scaladoc for all modules.
  • A new SparkContext.wholeTextFiles method lets you operate on small text files as individual records.

Migrating to Spark 1.0

While most of the Spark API remains the same as in 0.x versions, a few changes have been made for long-term flexibility, especially in the Java API (to support Java 8 lambdas). The documentation includes migration information to upgrade your applications.