Angular.js 1.4.6/1.5.0-beta.0 发布
Angular.js 1.4.6/ 1.5.0-beta.0 发布。1.4.6 更新内容如下:
Bug Fixes
$animate: invalid CSS class names should not break subsequent elements (c3a654b7,#12674, #12725)
$browser: handle async updates to location (8d39bd8a,#12241, #12819)
$http: propagate status -1 for timed out requests (38520a1a,#4491, #8756)
$httpBackend: send
when post-data is undefined (6f39f108,#12141, #12739) -
angular.copy: support copying XML nodes (122ab074,#5429, #12786)
form, ngModel: correctly notify parent form when children are added (c6110e8b)
input: ignore min/max if they are empty on all input types (544001f5,#12363, #12785)
ngAnimateMock: $animate.flush should work for looping animations (472d076c)
remove reference to parentForm from removed control (290b5049,#12263)
let aliased validator directives work on any element (43769fb6,#12158, #12658)
ngRepeat: add support to iterate an object's properties even if it does not inherit from Object (7ea2c7f3,#9964)
rootScope: add support for watchCollection to watch an object which does not inherit from Object (20fb626b,#9964)
select: update option if interpolated value attribute changes (82b0929e,#12005, #12582)
- </ul>
Performance Improvements
关于 1.5.0-beta.0 的内容请看:<a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958967643762996537" _src="">v1.5.0-beta.0</a>来自: