Gitblit v1.3.1 发布,基于Java的Git Web管理工具
jopen 12年前
Gitblit 是一个纯Java堆栈用于管理,查看和服务Git仓库。它的设计主要是作为一种工具,为小型工作组要提供集中存储库。
- JGit SmartHTTP servlet
- Browser and git client authentication
- Four per-repository access control configurations with a Read-Only control flag
- Ability to federate with one or more other Gitblit instances
- RSS/JSON RPC interface
- Java/Swing Gitblit Manager tool
- Gitweb inspired web UI
- Responsive web UI that subtracts elements to be usable on phones, tablets, and desktop browsers
- Groovy pre- and post- push hook scripts, per-repository or globally for all repositories
- Email push notifications (via sendmail.groovy push script)
- Lucene indexing of specified repository branches
- Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete repositories through the web UI or RPC interface
- Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete users through the web UI or RPC interface
- Administrators may create, edit, rename, or delete teams through the web UI or RPC interface
- Repository Owners may edit repositories through the web UI
- Administrators and Repository Owners may set the default branch through the web UI or RPC interface
- LDAP authentication and optional LDAP-controlled Team memberships
- Gravatar integration
- Git-notes display support
- gh-pages display support (Jekyll is not supported)
- Branch metrics (uses Google Charts)
- HEAD and Branch RSS feeds
- Blame annotations view
- Dates can optionally be displayed using the browser's reported timezone
- Display of Author and Committer email addresses can be disabled
- Case-insensitive searching of commit messages, authors, or committers
- Dynamic zip downloads feature
- Markdown file view support
- Syntax highlighting for popular source code types
- Customizable regular expression substitution for commit messages (i.e. bug or code review link integration)
- Single text file for users configuration
- Optional utility pages
发布说明: 此版本增加了可选的页面缓存控制冲压减少服务器的负载(默认禁用),PAMUserService验证对本地的Linux/ Unix的/ MacOS X的服务器,几个小错误修正和更新翻译