Kali Linux 1.0.9 发布,基于Debian的发行带有一套安全和计算机取证工具
Kali Linux(以前叫做BackTrack)是一份基于Debian的发行,它带有一套安全和计算机取证工具。其特色在于及时的安全更新,对ARM架构的支持,有四种流行的桌面环境供选择,以及能平滑升级到新版本。
Now that we have caught our breath after the Black Hat and DEF CON conferences, we have put aside some time to fix an annoying bug in our 1.0.8 ISO releases related to outdated firmware as well as regenerate fresh new ARM and VMware images (courtesy of Offensive Security) for our new 1.0.9 release. With this release come a few more updates worth mentioning. We are pleased to announce that we have updated our Raspberry Pi Kali image to support the new B+ model so that now it works out of the box. This single image now supports all Raspberry Pi models. We have also included two more images to our Kali ARM image collection for the Odroid U3 and Cubox-i ARM computers. Download (SHA1): kali-linux-1.0.9-amd64.iso (2,888MB, pkglist).