
jopen 11年前

Jquery Avgrund :

Is a great solution for dialogs though it is limited as far as features go.


Cool Kitten :

Is a framework that is responsive for moving through sites and arranges parts6 of the site in slides


Snack.js :

Is a easy and small library for JavaScript and is great for smaller project where you have to put together a smaller site. But you can even handle complex stuff with this.


Arctext :

is plugin that allows you put each part of the text portion on a curved path.

140medley :

This one offers a 0.5kb assimilation of functionality which supports events, AJAX and templates. Can be only used by experts as the documentation is using comments in source code that is cryptic


Bacon :

This plugin will let you wrap text around a line which enables better control typographically


Sticky :

This plugin will let you have the wherewithal to have an element on page to remain visible even when you move down the page.


FitText.js :

It is great for scaling the text in an element to fill the width of the container and makes for sharper look on various devices.


xui.js :

Is a framework for authoring with reference to HTML5 web applications for mobile and operates on all devices in this area.


jQuery Knob :

Is great for converting elements that are input into jQuery dials that are touchable and is fully open to being customized.


Stellar.js :

It offers parallax scrolling effect to all element of scolling.


Alertify.js :

Has a small library for featuring lovely windows for dialog and notifications


Zepto.js :

Is a library with rich features especially designed to be useful for Android and iOS


jQuery File Upload :

Is a widget that has several selection of files at once, support for drag and drop, preview images and progress bars


iCheck :

This one will help enhance your form control


Complexify :

Is aimed at assessing how tough passwords are


Fancy Input :

Can be used for entering text and deleting it if needed in a cool manner


Long Press :

This one simplifies the writing of characters that are rare or are accented


Chosen :

Is an effective widget that transforms a input that is selected into a dropdown list that is searchable.


Pickadate.js :

Helps in creation of mobile friendly and responsive selection of date


Parsley.js :

Is a quite and simple library for validating form fields


gmaps.js :

Is a very handy library for placing markers, keep an ear out for events, set coordinates and much more


Super Scrollorama :

Is great for scroll animations


Typeahead.js :

Is an auto complete library created by 推ter


Textillate.js :

It melds together the strength of lettering.js and animate.css


Scrollpath :

Is great for defining your own custom scrolling path


Windows :

Is great for building up a site with single page that has sections across the whole screen


Lettering.js :

Is great for improved web typography


Gridster.js :

Will allow you to build layouts that can be dragged from elements in many columns


Freetile :

Will organize content of webpage in a responsive, effective and dynamic way


Stalactite :

Is a library that arranges content on the page as per space that is available


jQuery Shuffle Letters :

It created intriguing effect that randomizes content in a text element


nanoScroller.js :

Is an easy method for implementing scroll bars styled on Mac OS


Tubular.js :

You can use this to set a 油Tube video as the background for your page.


jQuery TouchTouch :

Is great for making animations smoother


iPicture :

Helps make interactive walkthrough images


Adipoli jQuery Image Hover Plugin :

Is good for creating image hover effects


jQuery Custom Content :

Is a scrollbar that is easily customizable using CSS


Backstretch :

Use this to add a slideshow that is resized dynamically