PHP的日志框架 log4php 2.2.0 发布
jopen 13年前
<p>Apache log4php 是一个 PHP 的日志框架,类似 log4j。</p> <p>Apache log4php 支持:</p> <ul> <li>能XML或Properties文件进行配置,结构与log4j相似。</li> <li>File, RollingFile, DailyFile, Echo, Console, Mail, PDO, PHP error, Syslog or NT events and Socket appenders.</li> <li>Simple, TTCC, Pattern, Html and Xml Layouts.</li> <li>Nested (NDC) and Mapped (MDC) Diagnostic Contexts.</li> </ul> <p>Apache log4php 今天发布了 2.2.0 版本.<br /> <br /> 该版本主要改进内容:</p> <ul> <li>a full rewrite of the configuration logic which greatly improves error reporting</li> <li>inline configuration using PHP arrays</li> <li>a new web site with better documentation and more examples</li> <li>a new layout: serialized</li> </ul> <p>发行说明:<br /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958319726963951950" target="_blank"></a><br /> <br /> 下载地址:<br /> <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958319727757145358" target="_blank"></a></p>