10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

efbb 10年前

Ajax Zoom

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

AJAX-ZOOM is a unique “Flash” free tool to present 360°/ 3D product images on the web. Users can rotate 360° object (the sprite contains a set of single images), also on Z-axis (3D multirow) and additionally deep zoom on every frame. The adoption of image tiles technology (image pyramid) allows utilizing high resolution images without compression rates which would destroy the image quality.


10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

Reel is a simple jQuery tool for 360° object movement, panorama or stop-motion animation.



10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

SpriteSpin is a jQuery plugin that turns image frames into animations. It requires an array of images or a stiched sprite sheet and plays them frame by frame like a flip book. The aim of this plugin is to provide a 360 degree view of any kind of product. The plugin is built with extensibility in mind and allows web developers to customize the behavior and presentation of the animations.

jQuery Panorama Viewer

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

jQuery Panorama Viewer helps you embed Panorama Pictures on your website. To do this, first you have to include the latest jQuery library together with “jquery.panorama_viewer.js” and “panorama_viewer.css” into your server, and then add your image to your HTML code with class name “panorama”. It works fine with all major web browsers.


10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

Adds multiple 360 images on one page. Creates unlimited instances of the 360 JavaScript viewers.



10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

Flip is a jQuery plugin that will flip easily your elements in four directions.



Dopeless Rotate

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

Dopeless Rotate is Jquery plugin for 360 degree product visualisation designed byDopeless Design.


360 Slider

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

The plugin is full customizable with number of options provided. The plugin have the power to display images in any angle 360 degrees. This feature can be used successfully in many use cases e.g. on an e-commerce site to help customers look products in detail, from any angle they desire.

Super Tiny jQuery 360 Degrees Product Image Viewer

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

A super lightweight (just 27 lines of javascript codes, <1kb unminified.) and easy to use jQuery plugin that allows you to rotate a product image 360 degrees by mouse moving.

 Draggable 360 Degrees j360

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

j360 is a touch-friendly jQuery plugin that allows to drag/swipe/rotate a 3D product image to display 360 view of your product using a set of images. Good for E-Commerce website for showing the details of the products.

Cyclotron – 360°Panorama Image Display Plugin

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

Cyclotron is a simple and easy-to-use jQuery plugin that allows you to dragging 360° panoramas and other seamlessly looping images around.

jQuery Image Cube

10+ 个实用的 360 度图片旋转jQuery插件

A jQuery plugin that sets a division to rotate between images (or other things) as if they were on the faces of a cube.