PhoneGap 3.3.0 发布,跨平台的移动Web开发框架
jopen 11年前
PhoneGap应用的形态</strong> 由于UI绘制引擎就是移动设备的内置web浏览器,所以PhoneGap应用的形态可能多种多样。你可以使用标准的HTML&CSS使它看起来就像一个简单的网页,也可以使用UI框架使它像jQuery UI,Kendo UI,Sencha,推ter Bootstrap或Skeleton(或者其它任意基于HTML/CSS/JS的用户框架接口)。另外你也可以采用CSS模式/主题使它看起来就像一个本地应用,如模仿iOS和Android的iUI,模仿BlackBerry的bbUI。
使用PhoneGap应用,你可以通过缩小放大操作放大或者缩小查看的内容,或者利用利用viewport metadata tag锁定浏览内容的大小。你可以利用常规浏览器的操作方式滚动浏览网页也可以像iScroll一样采用基于接触的滑动方式浏览网页。
基于HTML,CSS &JavaScript你有许多方式可以创建用户接口,所以并没有一个典型的外观。如果你没有使用任何的CSS模式,那么用户接口各元素默认和使用的操作系统或者浏览器保持一致,包括按钮、链接、色彩以及亮度。这时PhoneGap应用和操作系统默认的浏览器一样运行。
It seems like it was just yesterday that PhoneGap 3.2.0 was released - well, it was just a few weeks ago - but already we have PhoneGap 3.3.0! The big change in this one is support for Android 4.4 KitKat, but according to the PhoneGap team, this release includes a bunch of bug fixes and improvements to Cordova as well. You can find the full list of changes in the release notes.
PhoneGap Build support still isn't ready yet - early next year, they're estimating - and as before, the release page includes instructional code to help you get your upgrade working. Check out the full release announcement for all the details.