轻量级桌面Linux发行,LXLE 发布 12.04.4 版本
LXLE是易于使用的轻量级桌面Linux发行,它基于Lubuntu并以LXDE桌面环境为特色。与其上游发行相比,LXLE有大量独特之处:它从 Ubuntu的LTS(长期支持)版本而创建,它以一套优选的缺省软件覆盖了大多数用户的日常需求,并且它还增加了有用的修改及微调以改进性能和功能。
Version 12.04.4 of LXLE, a respin of Lubuntu designed for older computers, has been released: " After patiently waiting for Ubuntu to officially announce their 12.04.4 update and once the number of seeders of LXLE grew to an adequate level to 'serve' it, LXLE 12.04.4 has been released. This particular release builds on the idea that many 'at idle' processes can be replaced by 'on demand' solutions, such as weather, battery, updates, power management, etc. It also introduces microcode kernel updates for your processor and preload, a readahead daemon, by default. Notable new features: LXLE PPA enabled by default; updated core LXDE components; updated BleachBit, Catfish, MiniTube; updated Elementary icon set; added Steam, VokoScreen, Schedule Tasks; GNOME Commander replaced with Sunflower; Fast Forecast replaced with Typhoon; GDiskDump replaced with Startup Disk Creator; enhanced Firefox and bookmarks toolbar...." See the full release announcement for more information and a video overview. Download via BitTorrent: lxle32.iso (1,232MB), lxle64.iso (1,270MB).