1. Hover.css
The website is a collection of CSS3 powered hover effects that can be applied to links, buttons, logos, featured images and so on.
2. modern.IE
Modern.IE is a browser and cross-platform testing tool developed by Microsoft that ensures that your developed websites works in older version of Internet Explorer browser.
3. Myth
Myth is preprocessor that helps you write pure CSS without worrying about slow browser support.
4. Varycode
Varycode is a source code conversion online tool that helps developers to convert codes fast.
5. SQLWave
SQLWave is a light and fast MySQL client that allow you to easily connect to your remote hosts from anywhere. You can download it free and it works with all recent MySQL versions.
6. CSS Specificity Graph Generator
This tool is developed by Jonas Ohlsson that helps you generates CSS specificity graphs easily.
7. Sculpt
Sculpt is a free lightweight, fast, responsive, mobile-first HTML, CSS and SASS framework that you can download for free. The main features include mobile-first with progressive enhancement, designed with legacy browsers in mind, robust core of CSS and flexibility of SASS, clean and semantic code.
8. Lining.js
Lining.js is a great tool that helps users to apply styles to specific lines much like the first-line CSS selector.
9. CSS Dig
CSS Dig is a tool that helps users to analyze CSS in a new way. You can download it as a Chrome extension and use it easily.
10. Duo
Dua is a new browser for responsive web development. Using this browser, developers keep an eye on mobile development and desktop version side by side.
11. WinJS
Want to enter in Windows app development then WinJS is best tool for you. It is a Windows library for Javascript that helps developers to create apps using HTML, CSS and Javascipt. It not only helps developers to create Windows apps but comes handy when you create web apps using HTML-based apps technologies like Apache Cordova.
12. Go by Example
Go is a open-source programming language that is specially designed to build fast and reliable software much more faster than any other language. This website will help you learn more about Go language and check examples created with Go.
13. Vagrant
Vagrant is a software for Windows, Mac OS and popular Linux distribution that will help you to create and configure lightweight, reproducible and portable development enviornments
14. Wysihtml Editor
A fast and lightweight HTML rich text editor that is developed by community and open-source that you can download for free. It comes with many features like URL’s auto-linking when you type, valid HTML5 semantic, no jQuery and iFrame required.
15. Libscore
This website helps developers to check which of the top websites using Javascript libraries. Using this website, you can search millions of top websites or you can search by specific library or by external script.
16. Free Workbook: How to Create The App Analytics Reports You Need
This is a free ebook from Localytics and it is written for app owners. This free ebook will help app owners to understand more about their apps and identify, track and optimize for the app success metrics. Alternatively, you can check out for more free ebooks for mobile app developers that we have posted in an article some time before.
17. LayoutIt
LayoutIt is an awesome tool that helps users to create frontend code simply with Bootstrap using Drag and Drop interface Builder. You can now use LayoutIt with new version of Bootstrap3.
18. MkDocs
MKDocs is a gorgeous and light weight static site generator that helps users to build project documentation. All the documentation source files are written in Markdown and configured with a single YAML configuration file.
If you looking for more static website generators, you can check out our article featuring 10 best free static website generators that are just awesome and doest the work.
19. HTML Kickstart
This tool will help in rapid website production using ultra-lean HTML5, CSS and JS building blocks.
20. Squire
Another HTML5 rich text editor that is awesomely lightweight and flexible. It works with almost all the modern browsers and build as an component for writing documents.
21. Zurb
Zurb is a front-end framework that is created to build responsive web apps. With the help of Zurb, you can create tons of web apps like email, music, chat, productivity apps, etc.
22. Ruby Gems
RubyGems is the Ruby community gem hosting service that helps users to find, install and publish Ruby gems.
23. Nibbler
Want to test your website? Nibbler is a free tool that help webmasters and developers to test the website out of 10 key areas that will include coding, social media, technology, SEO and more.
24. julius.js
Looking for speech recognition library for the web? Well, julius.js is an awesome web speech recognition library that first listens the voice and check through a callback.
25. Flow
Flow is a open-source tool from 非死book that is a static type checker for Javascript. This tool will developers to find common bugs in Javascript problems so that you can correct it.
26. Pawnmail
This tool is developed by Andrew Belt that gives 2GB free storage forever to domain name servers for email hosting.
27. Barekit
Barekit is not a full-fledget framework but it is a front-end project starter that helps users to start the project in no time.
28. Vivus
vivus is a lightweight Javascript class that helps users to animate SVG’s in such a way that it looks like being drawn. There are tons of animations available and you can even code yourself to create any SVG you want.
29. Materialize
A modern, fast and responsive front-end framework based on Google’s Material design that simplifies the life of developers providing speedy development and great user-experience.
30. WordPress Plugin Boilerplate
A perfect tool for developers who want to create high-quality WordPress plugin. You can build any WordPress plugin very systematically as every type of file and code has its own place.
31. CheckiO
CheckiO is a great website for coders who can improve their coding skills in a fun way. You can challenge your peers and play to know more about coding.
32. FSVS : Full Screen Vertical Slider
FSVS is a full screen vertical slider that uses CSS3 transitions followed up by a jQuery fallback. It supports mousewheel, touch gestures, arrow keys and click and drag.
33. CSS Plot
CSSPlot is pure CSS charting library that is fast, responsive and work very straight-forward.
34. TogetherJS
TogetherJS is a free, open-source Javascript library developed by Mozilla Labs that helps users to add collaboration features and tools to any website. It means you can talk and help your website’s visitors in real time.
35. Themosis Framework
This one is for WordPress developers who want to create custom websites and applications with WordPress.
36. Bootstrap Magic
It includes new 推ter Bootstrap framework and helps developers to create custom 推ter Bootstrap theme.
37. Furtive
A CSS micro-framework that is fast, lightweight and developed by John Otander that is available at Github for download.
38. CSS Guidelines
A perfect tool developed by Harry Roberts that helps developers to write sane, manageable and scalable CSS.
39. Shrthnd
Shrthand is a CSS shorthand web app that helps developers to keep their style-sheets small and easy to maintain.
40. Flynn
Flynn is a great app for developers that help them to be more focused to power production, testing and web-development.
41. Aerobatic
Aerobatic is a single page app hosting that is build for front-end developers where they can deploy AngularJS, Ember and Backbone apps.
42. draGGradients
Want to create custom #CSS radial-gradients by simply dragging the mouse? If yes, dragGradients does this job pretty straight-forward without much fuss.
43. Exercism
Exercism is a great website that help developers to improve their coding abilities by getting feedback from mentors. You just have to login through your GitHub account and you are good to go.
44. Flexy Boxes
Flexy Boxes is a code generator tool for developers that works with Firefox 2012 and later.
45. Bootlint This Page – Chrome Extension
Bootlint is a chrome extension that help developers to find errors in sites built with Bootstrap framework.
46. Remarkable
Finding good editor for Linux are very difficult and in this scenario, Remarkable comes to rescue. Remarkable is a fully featured markdown editor available for Linux that you can download for free.
47. CRUD Admin Generator
A open-source tool developed by Jon Segador that help users to generate a complete backend from a MySql database.
48. View Source
View Source is an awesome iOS8 Safari extension that help developers to view HTML, Javascript and CSS source of any web page with beautiful and customizable syntax highlighting.
49. Unyson
Unyson is a free WordPress framework that help developers to create awesome looking premium WordPress themes easily. Looking for more, here are 10 best free WordPress frameworks of year 2014.
50. Animated Background Headers
As the name suggests, this is online that tool in which you can create animated backgrounds using Canvas and Javascript.
51. Runswiftlang
A cool tool that is developed by Julius Parishy that help beginners to understand about Apple’s programming language Swift and learn it. If you looking for tutorials, here are some of the best Apple Swift tutorials that will help beginners to understand more about the new programming language and get started with it.
52. Accessible HTML5 Video Player
A lightweight HTML5 video player developed by PayPal Engineering that has tons of features and you can easily embed in your websites.
53. Jekyll Now
Jekyll is a static site generator for Github hosted blog while Jekyll Now is a tool for creating Jekyll blog without touching command line.
54. Min
It is the tinniest CSS framework that supports mostly all browsers including IE5.5+.
55. Detectify
A must tool for developer that helps them to scan the security of website so that they focus more on development.
56. Sweep
Enable proper color transitions through the HSL and HUSL spaces with the help of a small Javascript library called Sweep.
57. Onsen UI
A mobile framework that helps mobile developers to build mobile applications using HTML, CSS and Javascript.
58. Markdown
A HTML to Markdown convertor for developers coded in Javascript.
59. Slap Editor
It is a sublime-like terminal-based text editor that makes editing easy for the users from terminal directly.
60. Pyrasite
Want to inject code into already running Python processes? If yes, check the tool pyrasite that help you do so.
61. Play Framework
Another web framework for Java and Scala that is perfect for developers.
62. Web Starter kit
Want to create apps for multi-device, then make sure to check Web Start Kit that is starter point for any developer who want to create multi-device web experiences.
63. Frontenda
Frontenda is a Bootstrap 3 EVO drag and drop builders that helps developers to build responsive templates in minutes.
64. Kuoto Swiss
Kuoto Swiss a complete CSS framework for Stylus with tons of features that helps developers to code faster.
65. Bitcoin.js
Bitcoin.js is a clean and readable library for Bitcoin Javascript development for node.js and browsers.
66. CodeFights
Another coding game for programmers in which you have race against the time to debug the code.
67. Breach
Breach is a new modular browser that is free, hackable and written in Javascript from scratch.
68. Concise
Concise is a better front-end framework and it is build in such a way that looks good on all devices including mobiles.
69. Base
Another framework that is superfast, simple, responsive and built for all devices : be it big, small and medium.
70. ArnoldC
A unique programming language based on the one liners of populr action hero Arnold Schwarzenegger.
71. CodeSnip.it
A free code snippet tool that provides all users space to save code snippets. It supports syntax highlighting and includes search options to find your work easily.
72. WPCore
WPCore is a easy WordPress plugin manager that lets users manager WordPress plugin they use mostly and later upload in any new WordPress website.
73. Intense Image Viewer
Intense Image Viewer is a Javascript library that add functionality to view images in full screen.
74. DevShelf
DevShelf is a web application that every programmer should bookmark and it helps to get all the latest information going with development technologies.
75. Scrapfy
Scrapgy is a cool tools for developers that help them comparing code with others or seek help with other developers.
76. CSSDeck
CSSDeck is a online tool built for HTML/CSS/JS developers. You can showcase your work if you create it with the power of CSS3 and JS.
77. Deploy5
Deploy5 is a professional HTML5 app deployment and hosting platform for client-side web apps.
78. Crumpet
Crumpet is a simple framework that helps developers to create website layouts fast and responsive.
79. CSS Vocabulary
It is a very simple app that helps developers to understand CSS terms with just a single click.
80. Overlook.io
Overlook.iO is a free in-browser text management tool that builds test plans quickly. It helps you track results and collaborate with other team members.
81. CodyHouse
CodyHouse is a free library of HTML, CSS and JS snippets.
82. Devcasts
Devcasts is another free tool that helps you check quality screencasts from developers that will help you become a better developer.
83. The Style Guide Guide
It is a styleguide generator for Node.js, Gulp, Grant, Ruby and a great resource for developers.
84. JS Manners
JS Manners is a online tools that helps you in scoring scripts.
85. Gumby
Gumby is responsive CSS Framework that is built with the power of Sass.
86. Appgyver Composer
This is an app for developers that helps you to bootstrap your HTML5 hybrid apps pretty fast.
That’s all what we witnessed in the year gone by. New year, new beginnings, new lists. We have already come up with the first week’s compilation of the year 2015. Hope you all liked all the best of developers tools 2014! Share your reviews with us.