Edubuntu 13.04 发布
Edubuntu是Ubuntu Linux的姊妹项目,该发行适合于课堂使用。其宗旨在于,一个拥有有限技术知识和技能的教育者,将能够配置一个计算机实验室,或者设置一套在线的学习环 境,而这只花费一个小时或更少,之后,他就可以管理起这套环境,并且不必去成为一个完全的Linux专家。
Stéphane Graber has announced the release of Edubuntu 13.04, an easy-to-use distribution targeted at schools, communities and non-profit organisations: " The Edubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Edubuntu 13.04 (code name Raring Ringtail). This release will be supported for 9 months, it is intended for enthusiasts and users who would like to try out the latest and greatest software. What's New? New default packages: Klavaro - flexible touch-typing tutor, Krecipes - recipe manager and collection of recipes, Gramps - genealogical research program, Chemtool - chemical structures drawing program, Fritzing - easy to use electronics design software, Einstein - puzzle game inspired by Einstein's puzzle, VYM - mind-mapping tool, Bluefish - WYSIWYG HTML editor, Remmina - connect to various remote desktops including rdesktop." Read the release announcement for more information and screenshots. Download: edubuntu-13.04-dvd-amd64.iso (2,733MB, SHA256, torrent).