Linux 下的 BT 下载工具,KTorrent 4.2.0 发布
fmms 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958325903738656636">KTorrent</a> 是 KDE 下的一款 BT 下载工具,具有速度快而内存占用小的优点,设置也比较简单实用,感觉和 Win 下的 uTorrent 不相上下。</p> <p><img alt="Linux 下的 BT 下载工具,KTorrent 4.2.0 发布" src="" width="400" height="255" /><br /> 可以很直观的查看传输进度,而且限制上传率也很方便</p> <p><img alt="Linux 下的 BT 下载工具,KTorrent 4.2.0 发布" src="" width="400" height="259" /></p> <p>KTorrent 4.2.0 发布,改进记录:</p> <p>1. This release brings the ability of checking individual files of a torrent, improved video streaming, support for the partial seeding extension, and a search bar in the main<span class="truncate_more"> torrent list. <br /> 2. Multiple torrent tabs have been removed in favor of a single one to simplify the interface. <br /> 3. The queue manager has the ability to hide uploads, downloads, and not queued torrents. <br /> 4. DHT performance has been improved. <br /> 5. Moving data files jobs are now queued</span></p>