iText 5.4.4 发布,PDF文档操作类库
jopen 11年前
iText是一个类库包含用于生成和操作PDF文件Java类。可以对文档进行:分割,合并和填写表单(AcroForms,静态和动态XFA forms)。通过iText 不仅可以生成PDF 或rtf 的文档,而且可以将XML、Html 文件转化为PDF 文件。
发布说明: PdfCopy is finally able to merge AcroForm-based interactive PDFs. This is a huge step forward for people who want to merge accessible forms, preserving the accessibility. The PdfCopyFields class was deprecated. Unlike PdfCopy, this class allowed you to merge forms, but this didn't result in a tagged PDF: all structure was lost. iText now deals with some image types that previously weren't supported, and when confronted with an invalid PDF, throws a meaningful error