jopen 10年前
这个列表是我做Monkey for GitHub这个开源的GitHub第三方客户端的衍生品,欢迎交流意见。
Rank | Users | 基本信息 | 简介 |
1 | Wei Wang onevcat | name: "Wei Wang" company: "LINE Corp." blog: "" location: "Kawasaki, Japan" email: "" | 作品: 《Swifter - 100 个 Swift 必备 tips》 VVDocumenter-Xcode:Xcode plug-in which helps you write Javadoc style documents easier. Linkedin:Wei Wang 推ter:https://推 |
2 | Sam Soffes soffes | name: "Sam Soffes" company: "Venmo" blog: "" location: "San Francisco" email: "" | Linkedin:Sam Soffes 推ter:https://推 about: |
3 | Nick Lockwood nicklockwood | name: "Nick Lockwood" company: "Charcoal Design" blog: "" location: "UK" email: "" | 作品: iCarousel:A simple, highly customisable, data-driven 3D carousel for iOS and Mac OS 推ter:https://推 |
4 | Peter Steinberger steipete | name: "Peter Steinberger" company: "PSPDFKit GmbH" blog: "" location: "Vienna, Austria" email: "" | Linkedin:Peter Steinberger 推ter:https://推 |
5 | Erica Sadun erica | name: "Erica Sadun" blog: "" location: "Denver, CO" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
6 | Max Howell mxcl | name: "Max Howell" company: "" blog: "mxcl's blog" location: "Chicago" email: "" | 作品: Homebrew:The missing package manager for OS X. Linkedin:Max Howell |
7 | Mike Ash mikeash | name: "Mike Ash" company: null blog: "" location: null email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
8 | M了个J CoderMJLee | name: "M了个J" company: "小码哥" blog: "" location: "Guangzhou, China" email: "" | 作品: MJRefresh:The easiest way to use pull-to-refresh |
9 | Tang Qiao tangqiaoboy | name: "Tang Qiao" company: "" blog: "" location: "Beijing, China" | 作品: 《iOS 开发进阶》 |
10 | marcoarment marcoarment | ||
11 | Justin Spahr-Summers jspahrsummers | name: "Justin Spahr-Summers" company: "" blog: "" location: "San Francisco, CA" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
12 | Matt Gemmell mattgemmell | name: "Matt Gemmell" company: "" blog: "" location: "Edinburgh, Scotland" email: "" | Linkedin:Matt Gemmell |
13 | Lex Tang lexrus | name: "Lex Tang" company: "" blog: "" location: "Shanghai China" email: "" | 作品: LTMorphingLabel:Graceful morphing effects for UILabel written in Swift. Linkedin:Lex Tang |
14 | Robbie Hanson robbiehanson | name: "Robbie Hanson" blog: "" location: "Bend, Oregon" | 作品: CocoaAsyncSocket:Asynchronous socket networking library for Mac and iOS Linkedin:Robbie Hanson |
15 | Roman Efimov romaonthego | name: "Roman Efimov" company: "Yahoo! Inc." blog: "推" location: "San Francisco Bay Area" email: "" | 作品: RESideMenu:iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect. Linkedin: |
16 | Sam Vermette samvermette | name: "Sam Vermette" company: "Transit App" blog: "" location: "Montréal" | 作品: SVPullToRefresh:Give pull-to-refresh & infinite scrolling to any UIScrollView with 1 line of code. |
17 | Ash Furrow ashfurrow | name: "Ash Furrow" company: "Artsy" blog: "" location: "" email: "" | Linkedin:Ash Furrow |
18 | Ryan Petrich rpetrich | name: "Ryan Petrich" company: null blog: "" location: "" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
19 | Jack xhzengAIB | name: "Jack" company: "JackTeam && duowan" blog: "" location: "China GuangDong (广州)" email: "" | |
20 | Jeff Verkoeyen jverkoey | name: "Jeff Verkoeyen" company: "" blog: "" location: "New York, NY" email: "", | 作品: nimbus:The iOS framework that grows only as fast as its documentation Linkedin: |
21 | Mugunth Kumar MugunthKumar | name: "Mugunth Kumar" company: "Steinlogic Consulting and Training Pte Ltd" blog: "" location: "Singapore" email: "" | 作品: MKNetworkKit:ARC ready Networking Framework with built in authentication and HTTP 1.1 caching standards support for iOS 5+ devices Linkedin: |
22 | Loren Brichter atebits | name: "Loren Brichter" company: "atebits" blog: "" location: "Philly" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
23 | Josh Abernathy joshaber | name: "Josh Abernathy" company: "GitHub" blog: "http://推" location: "The Gem City" email: "" | |
24 | Orta orta | name: "Orta" company: " && CocoaPods" blog: "" location: "Manchester / NYC" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
25 | Oliver Drobnik Cocoanetics | name: "Oliver Drobnik" company: "Drobnik KG" blog: "" location: "Vienna, Austria" email: "" | |
26 | Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch rentzsch | name: "Jonathan 'Wolf' Rentzsch" company: "" blog: "" location: "Chicagoland+WI" | 推ter:https://推 |
27 | Ryan Nystrom rnystrom | name: "Ryan Nystrom" company: "非死book" blog: "" location: "San Francisco, CA" email: "" | Linkedin: |
28 | Olivier Poitrey rs | name: "Olivier Poitrey" company: "Dailymotion" blog: "" location: "Silicon Valley, California, USA" | 作品: SDWebImage:Asynchronous image downloader with cache support with an UIImageView category Linkedin: |
29 | honcheng honcheng | name: "honcheng" company: "buUuk Pte Ltd" blog: "" location: "Singapore" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
30 | Marin Usalj supermarin | name: "Marin Usalj" company: "Lyft" blog: "" location: "San Francisco, CA" | 作品: Alcatraz:Package manager for Xcode Linkedin: |
31 | shu223 shu223 | name: "shu223" company: "Freelancer" blog: "" location: "Tokyo, Japan" email: "" | Linkedin: 推ter:https://推 |
32 | Krzysztof Zabłocki krzysztofzablocki | name: "Krzysztof Zabłocki" company: "" blog: "" location: "Warsaw, Poland" email: "" | Linkedin:Krzysztof Zabłocki 推ter:https://推 |
33 | Andy Matuschak andymatuschak | name: "Andy Matuschak" company: "Khan Academy" blog: "" location: "San Francisco, CA" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
34 | Brad Larson BradLarson | name: "Brad Larson" company: "Sunset Lake Software LLC" blog: "" location: "Madison, WI USA" email: "" | 作品: GPUImage:An open source iOS framework for GPU-based image and video processing about:Brad Larson |
35 | James Tang jamztang | name: "James Tang" blog: "" location: "Hong Kong" | 推ter:https://推 |
36 | kishikawa katsumi kishikawakatsumi | name: "kishikawa katsumi" company: "Realm" blog: "" location: "Tokyo" email: "" | 作品: UICKeyChainStore:UICKeyChainStore is a simple wrapper for Keychain on iOS. Makes using Keychain APIs as easy as NSUserDefaults. Linkedin: 推ter:https://推 简历: |
37 | Meng To MengTo | name: "Meng To" blog: "" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 简历: |
38 | Indragie Karunaratne indragiek | name: "Indragie Karunaratne" blog: "" location: "Edmonton, AB" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
39 | Cédric Luthi 0xced | name: "Cédric Luthi" blog: "" location: "Geneva, Switzerland" email: "" | Linkedin: 推ter:https://推 |
40 | Jiangang Zhu levey | name: "Jiangang Zhu" company: "Bindo Labs" blog: "" location: "New York" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
41 | Ole Zorn omz | name: "Ole Zorn" company: "omz:software" blog: "" location: "Berlin, Germany" | |
42 | Dan Abramov gaearon | name: "Dan Abramov" company: "" blog: "http://推" location: "St. Pete" email: "" | |
43 | Choi equus12 | name: "Choi" | |
44 | Jonathan Wight schwa | name: "Jonathan Wight" blog: "" location: "Berkeley CA" email: "" | Linkedin: |
45 | Dustin L. Howett DHowett | name: "Dustin L. Howett" company: "HowettNET" blog: "" location: "Berkeley, CA" email: "" | |
46 | Zheng Zhu MartianZ | name: "Zheng Zhu" company: "" blog: "" location: "UESTC" email: "" | 推ter:https://推 |
47 | Brian Gesiak modocache | name: "Brian Gesiak" company: "非死book" blog: "" location: "Brooklyn, NY" email: "" | Linkedin: 推ter:https://推 |
48 | Dave DeLong davedelong | name: "Dave DeLong" blog: "" location: "Santa Clara, CA" | Linkedin: 推ter:https://推 stackoverflow:dave-delong |
49 | Qitao Yang KittenYang | name: "Qitao Yang" company: "Smartisan Software Co., Ltd." blog: "" location: "Beijing,China" email: "" | Linkedin:杨骑滔 (KittenYang) |
50 | Jesse Squires jessesquires | name: "Jesse Squires" company: "Hexed Bits" blog: "" location: "San Francisco, CA" | 作品: JSQMessagesViewController:An elegant messages UI library for iOS 推ter:https://推 |