基于 Lucene的搜索引擎服务器,OpenSearchServer 1.2.4 RC6 发布

openkk 13年前
   <p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958185763900762988" target="_blank">OSS (Open Search Server) </a>是一个用 Java 开发的搜索引擎服务器,基于 Lucene 、ZK 和 Tomcat 等开源软件架构。</p>    <div id="node-241" class="node node-type-page node-promoted build-mode-full clearfix">     <div class="content">      <p><strong>OpenSearchServer</strong> is an open source search engine and crawler software based on the best open source technologies.</p>      <p><strong>Give your users the best search experience: </strong>Suggestion box (autocompletion), spell checking, facet and filter search, relevant customization.</p>      <p><strong>Index all your data: </strong> Index all your data: Internet / Extranet Web sites, documents (Office, PDF, media files, ...), databases and/or XML files.</p>      <p><strong>Fast & easy: </strong>Integrated with your applications, Web sites, content, e-commerce solutions, no matter which technology you are using (PHP, .NET, Java, Drupal, Wordpress, ...).</p>     </div>    </div>    <p>OpenSearchServer 1.2.4 RC6 发布了,该版本做了很多增强、性能提升以及 bug 修复,为调度器任务、异步 XML 上传提供了进度信息,提供了一个默认的停止词列表,自动完成字段和分析器,高级的拼写检查以及正则表达式过滤器等等。</p>    <p><img style="width:570px;height:361px;" alt="基于 Lucene的搜索引擎服务器,OpenSearchServer 1.2.4 RC6 发布" src="https://simg.open-open.com/show/54967d677d33abdd3094f5214d63f6f9.png" /></p>