Canaima GNU/Linux 4.0 Alpha 1 发布

jopen 12年前

Canaima GNU/Linux是基于Debian GNU/Linux的委内瑞拉桌面发行。它主要被设计为面向国家公共行政部门计算机的解决方案,而这是为了遵循关于在该国国家公共行政部门使用免费技术的第3.390号总统令。
Canaima GNU/Linux 4.0 Alpha 1 发布
Canaima GNU/Linux is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution sponsored by the government of Venezuela and widely deployed in the country's schools and public offices. Following the recent stable release of Debian GNU/Linux 7.0, the Canaima developers have launched a first development build of their distribution. Canaima 4.0 promises to revolutionise the computing by providing an operating system for the variety of devices on the market, including tablets and other touch-screen devices. This initial alpha release includes the GNOME 3.4.2 desktop, Linux kernel 3.2, X.Org 7.7, LibreOffice 4.0.1, the Cunaguaro 22.0 web browser (a fork of Iceweasel), GIMP 2.8, and Inkscape 0.48. The release announcement (in Spanish) concludes with the usual warning about the dangers of using this development build in production environments. Interested alpha testers can download the installable live DVD image from here: canaima-popular-4.0~a1_amd64.iso (820MB, MD5).
Canaima GNU/Linux 4.0 Alpha 1 发布