Java 项目管理工具,TaskJuggler 3.3.0 发布
jopen 13年前
<p><a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958338986201266785" target="_blank">TaskJuggler </a>是一个先进、强大的项目管理工具。新的项目规划和跟踪,远远超出了常用的甘特图的编辑工具。它已成功地应用于许多项目和规模的项目很容易与数以百计的资源 和成千上万的任务。它涵盖了完整的项目管理任务的第一想法完成该项目。</p> <h1 id="Features_and_Highlights">特性和亮点</h1> <h2 id="Basic_Properties">Basic Properties</h2> <ul> <li>Manages tasks, resources and accounts of your project</li> <li>Powerful to-do list management</li> <li>Detailed reference manual</li> <li>Simple installation</li> <li>Runs on all Linux, Unix, Windows, MacOS and several other operating systems</li> <li>Full integration with Vim text editor</li> </ul> <h2 id="Advanced_Scheduling">Advanced Scheduling</h2> <ul> <li>Automatic resource leveling and tasks conflict resolution</li> <li>Unlimited number of scenarios (baselines) of the same project for what-if analysis</li> <li>Flexible working hours and leave management</li> <li>Support for shift working</li> <li>Multiple time zone support</li> </ul> <h2 id="Accounting">Accounting</h2> <ul> <li>Tasks may have initial costs, finishing costs</li> <li>Resources may have usage based costs</li> <li>Task and/or resource base cost models</li> <li>Support for profit/loss analysis</li> </ul> <h2 id="Reporting">Reporting</h2> <ul> <li>Comprehensive and flexible reports so you can find the information you need when you need it</li> <li>Powerful filtering functions to provide the right amount of detail to the right audience</li> <li>Time and status sheet reporting infrastructure</li> <li>Project tracking and status reporting with dashboard support</li> </ul> <h2 id="Scaling_and_Enterprise_Features">Scaling and Enterprise Features</h2> <ul> <li>Projects can be combined to larger projects</li> <li>Support for central resource allocation database</li> <li>Manages roles and complex reporting lines</li> <li>Powerful project description language with macro support</li> <li>Scales well on multi-core or multi-CPU systems</li> <li>Support for project management teams and revision control systems</li> <li>Data export to Microsoft Project and Computer Associates Clarity</li> </ul> <h2 id="Web_Publishing_and_Groupware_Functions">Web Publishing and Groupware Functions</h2> <ul> <li>HTML reports for web publishing</li> <li>CSV data export for exchange with popular office software</li> <li>iCalendar export for data exchange with calendar and productivity applications</li> <li>Built-in web server for dynamic and interactive reports</li> <li>Server based time sheet system for status and actual work reporting</li> </ul> <p>TaskJuggler 3.3.0 发布,除了现有的 CA 支持外,TaskJuggler 支持导出全部调度中的项目到微软 Project XML 格式,同时在性能方面有不少的改进。</p> <p><img alt="Java 项目管理工具,TaskJuggler 3.3.0 发布" src="" width="500" height="377" /></p>