Ubuntu MATE 15.04 发布
Ubuntu MATE是桌面Linux发行,其宗旨是通过MATE这个经典、传统的桌面环境来提供Ubuntu操作系统的简介和典雅。MATE是GNOME 2桌面环境的继续,曾经作为Ubuntu的缺省桌面,直到10.10版中被Unity所取代。该项目以Ubuntu混录形式问世,但从15.04版开始就 被作为Ubuntu家族Linux发行的一个正式成员而接纳。Download: ubuntu-mate-15.04-desktop-amd64.iso (1,096MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist). An Ubuntu MATE 15.04 image for the Raspberry Pi (armhf) is also available: ubuntu-mate-15.04-desktop-armhf-raspberry-pi-2.img.bz2 (903MB).
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 is now available for download. This release builds on Ubuntu MATE Beta 2 and mostly fixes bugs.
As usual preparing this release of Ubuntu MATE has been a team effort. Thanks to Mike Gabriel, Vlad Orlov, Mathieu Trudel-Lapierre, Martin Pitt, Adam Conrad and Daniel Holbach for helping get the Ubuntu MATE 15.04 release out the door. Thanks guys!
What works?
People tell us that Ubuntu MATE is stable. You may, or may not, agree.
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 new features
Here is a run down of some of the new features in Ubuntu MATE 15.04 compared to Ubuntu MATE 14.10:
- Ubuntu MATE 15.04 is an official Ubuntu flavour.
- Established a hardware partnership with Entroware.
- Added PowerPC and Raspberry Pi 2 as supported hardware architectures.
- Added a new default theme called Yuyo.
- Added user interface switching to MATE Tweak.
- Added fully integrated Compiz support.
- Added Tilda pull-down terminal.
- Added Folder Color.
- Added LightDM GTK Greeter Settings
- Added categories to the system menus.
- Added new community contributed desktop backgrounds.
- Updated to Linux 3.19
- Updated to MATE Desktop 1.8.2.
- Updated to Firefox 37.
- Updated to LibreOffice 4.4.
- Updated GTK 3.x themes to use full colour icons, like their GTK 2.x counter parts.
- Updated all themes to offer improved Client Side Decoration (CSD) support.
- Replaced Totem with VLC.
- Replaced Cheese with guvcview.
- Replaced
. - ...and many other minor improvements and bug fixes.
You can find the official Ubuntu release note here:
- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VividVervet/ReleaseNotes
What changed since the Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Beta 2 release?
Here is what changed since Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Beta 2:
- Updated Rhythmbox to 3.1
- Updated Plank to 0.9.0
- Updated
to 0.4.7 which adds improved Client Side Decoration (CSD) support. - Fixed OEM install mode. </li>
- Fixed Virtualbox guests only getting a resolution of 640x480.
- LP: #1368784. </ul> </li>
- Fixed restarting the computer from the live session and upon completion of an install.
- LP: 1436816
- Virtualbox guests still require a manual power off. LP: #1447038. </ul> </li>
- Fixed installing the Virtualbox X.org drivers via the Additional Hardware utility.
- LP: #1434579 </ul> </li>
- Fixed corrupt Korean fonts in Ubiquity.
- LP: #1437961. </ul> </li>
- Fixed missing translations and incorrect window decorations when enabling Compiz in MATE Tweak.
- LP: #1433562.
- LP: #1441072. </ul> </li>
- Fixed auto-mounting devices formatted with exFat and connected via USB.
- LP: #1441728. </ul> </li>
- Fixed missing swap when using home directory encryption.
- LP: #953875 </ul> </li>
- Fixed
so that home directory encryption passphrase can be recovered.- LP: #1445198 </ul> </li>
- Fixed assorted MATE bugs in Debian that have been synced with Ubuntu.
- #781951.
- #780580.
- #781303.
- #781247.
- #781246.
- #780844.
- #782194.
- #782189. </ul> </li> </ul>
- You may not be able to enter your pass phrase if you use full disk encryption. </li>
- Shutdown/Restart of the live session does not work in Virtualbox guest.
- LP: #1447038 </ul> </li>
- Running Linux on PowerPC can require some tinkering and the following are useful references.
- PowerPC Known Issues
- PowerPC FAQ </ul> </li> </ul>
You'll also want to check the Ubuntu MATE bug tracker to see what has already been reported. These issues will be addressed in due course.
Useful Information
You may find the following information useful, which is why we titled the section Useful Information since the information presented here is mostly useful.
Ubuntu MATE 15.04 Download
Join the fun and experience a retrospective future.
Known Issues
It is not all good news however. Here are the known issues. All of which affect every Ubuntu flavour.