HTTP 服务器,taskrambler 0.1.8 发布

jopen 11年前

taskrambler 是一个 HTTP 服务器,其目的是最终作为一个多用户任务管理系统中的用户接口提供者。它传输静态资源到 Web 浏览器并且做一些动态的交互。

发布说明: The UI/client has visually improved popups, reorganized JavaScript code, and a new "my account" menu entry and popup where users can see and modify their data. On the backend/server, users are now able to change their first name, surname, and email address after logging in. A generic router that converts request URIs into identifiers for dlsym and then calls the function was added. All post data is now URL decoded. The storage layer now allows the deletion of entries. There were also fixes and a lot more