Appium – a test automation framework for mobile applications. |
Docker – enables developers to pack, ship, and run any application as a lightweight container. |
Exercism – crowd-sourced code reviews on daily practice problems. |
Ghost – is a publishing platform that is beautifully designed, easy to use, and free for everyone. |
InfluxDB – is a distributed, time series, events, and metrics database with no external dependencies. |
Open DayLight – a collaborative open source project that accelerates adoption of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and creates a solid foundation for Network Functions Virtualization (NFV). |
OpenIoT – enables a new range of open, large-scale intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) applications using a utility cloud computing delivery model. |
ServerSpec – RSpec tests for your servers configured by Puppet, Chef, or anything else. |
Tox – offers secure instant messaging, video conferencing, and more. |
X-Privacy – prevents Android-based applications from leaking privacy sensitive data and can restrict the categories of data an application can access. |
Honorable mention
推ter Flight – a lightweight, component-based JavaScript framework that maps behavior to DOM nodes. |

Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native and hybrid mobile apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver JSON wire protocol.
As mobile apps become core to our operating infrastructure, agile development methodologies require automated testing to deliver. Appium provides a broad platform for testing both native and hybrid mobile apps on iOS and Android, enabling organizations to utilize a single testing tool to support their growing needs.
While initially started as a tool for SauceLabs to help customers build a scalable, automated test environment, Appium has quickly taken on a life of its own with a rapidly expanding, diverse developer community.

Docker is an open source project that automates the deployment of lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. The same container that a developer builds and tests on a laptop can run at scale, in production, on VMs, bare metal, OpenStack clusters, public clouds and more.
Docker really got our attention. Few projects outside the highly corporate-sponsored arena garner this level of excitement and attention. While Docker was started by a small, commercial firm previously known as dotCloud, this project has quickly grown roots and turned the heads of the big guys, including RedHat and Google. But more importantly, Docker provides developers with an important advancement in the way they build scalable applications for the cloud – the ability to create lightweight, portable, self-sufficient containers from any application. This level of portability offers companies plenty of options for where their apps will run, while allowing developers to have freedom of choice in the languages and tools used to build them.
Exercism is a collaborative learning tool for people learning programming languages. It was started by Katrina Owen, an instructor working at a small technical school in Colorado, in an effort to help her students learn more collaboratively. And it worked. She realized an immediate, positive improvement in how quickly her students were able understand programming languages. While Katrina started Exercism to support her own classroom, other students and educators quickly took notice and began contributing and using the project. Exercism now supports 13 languages with more on the way, including Go, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, Java, Rust, and Erlang, and continuing to grow rapidly in contributors and users.

Ghost is dedicated to one thing: publishing. It's beautifully designed, completely customizable and completely open source. It allows you to write and publish your own blog, giving you the tools to make it easy and even (gasp) fun to do. It's simple, elegant, and designed so that you can spend less time messing with making your blog work - and more time blogging.
John O’Nolan worked on the WordPress team for several years. He loved it, but the project turned in a direction away from its original vision. In early 2013, John blogged “If I could build WordPress all over again, what would I do differently?” The post got picked up on the front page of Hacker News. He pulled together a prototype using JavaScript and NodeJS, and set out to raise a small amount of money using Kickstarter in April. In 29 days, he raised 10x the amount he wanted. Set up as a non-profit, John hired a team of three, got significant help from the open source community, and created a first version that was released in Oct. It got 4m views and 100k downloads! While the current version (as of this writing) is limited to single-user blogging, it is stable and growing rapidly. And WordPress is now implementing many of the things Ghost is doing.

InfluxDB is a time series, events, and metrics database. It's written in Go and has no external dependencies. Once you install it there's nothing else to manage (like Redis, HBase, or whatever). It's designed to be distributed and scale horizontially, but is useful even if you're only running it on a single box.
Paul Dick started a project called Err-Plane, focusing on monitoring and metrics. As he traveled around trying to get traction with Err-Plane, he began to realize that other competing projects were all writing their own time-series database to handle the type and volume of data needed. So he and his partner made a big decision to stop working on Err-Plane and shift their focus to building a specialized, time-series database. Paul and team worked quietly for one month, and then decided they needed some feedback to continue, so they did a talk at a NY Ruby Meet-up. One of the attendees posted it up on Hacker News. O’Reilly Radar picked it up and the story went to the top. When Paul saw people talking about InfluxDB at a DevOps conference in Australia and another in Japan, they knew they were onto something solid. As of this writing, the project is only 3 months old, with the first commit Sept 23rd.
Open DayLight 

OpenDaylight's objective is to provide a fully functional SDN platform that can be deployed directly, without requiring other components. It is focused on building an open, standards-based SDN controller platform that is suitable for deploying in a variety of production network environments. In addition to a modular controller framework, OpenDaylight is expected to include support for a number of standard and emerging SDN protocols, network services such as virtualization and service insertion, well-defined application APIs, and data plane elements including physical device interfaces and virtual switch enhancements.

OpenIoT began as a research project partially funded by the European Commission with a goal of enabling a new range of open large scale, intelligent IoT (Internet of Things) applications according to a utility cloud computing delivery model. The project focuses on mobility aspects of internet-connected objects (sensor Networks) for energy-efficient orchestration of sensor data harvesting and data transmission into the cloud. OpenIoT integrates ontologies and semantic structures, in order to enable semantic interactions and interoperability between the various objects, which means a significant advancement over the existing syntactic interactions offered by GSN and AspireRFID projects.

Serverspec provides a simple approach to testing your server configurations, independent of any configuration management tools. Using serverspec, you can write RSpec tests for checking your servers’ configuration. It tests your servers' actual state through SSH access, so you don't need to install any agent software on your servers and can use any of the leading configuration management tools including Puppet, Chef, CFEngine and more.

Project Tox, also known as Tox, is an instant messaging application aimed to replace Skype. It’s no surprise that this project got some big traction this year given all the privacy and security related events that have taken place. With the rise of governmental monitoring programs, Tox aims to be an easy to use, all-in-one communication platform (including audio and videochats in the future) that ensures their users full privacy and secure message delivery.

XPrivacy can prevent applications from leaking privacy sensitive data and can restrict the categories of data an application can access. This is done by feeding an application with no or fake data. There are several data categories which can be restricted, including contacts and locations. For example, if you restrict access to contacts for an application, an empty contact list will be sent. Similarly, restricting an application's access to your location will result in a fake location being sent.
推ter Flight 

Flight is distinct from existing frameworks in that it doesn't prescribe or provide any particular approach to rendering or providing data to a web application. It's agnostic to how requests are routed, which templating language you use or even if you render your HTML on the client or the server. While some web frameworks encourage developers to arrange their code around a prescribed model layer, Flight is organized around the existing DOM model with functionality mapped directly to DOM nodes. Flight likely isn’t as easy to learn and use compared to some of the other, more popular, JavaScript frameworks like Angular or Ember, but it provides enormous flexibility architecturally, showing real promise for building more complex applications.