Linux目录服务器 389 Directory Server 发布

openkk 13年前
     <a href="/misc/goto?guid=4958330658997251909" target="_blank">389 Directory Server </a>的前身是 Fedora Directory Server,是一个企业级的Linux目录服务器。完全支持 LDAPv3 规范。主要特性:    <br />    <ul>     <li>Multi-Master Replication, to provide fault tolerance and high write performance</li>     <li>Scalability: thousands of operations per second, tens of thousands of concurrent users, tens of millions of entries, hundreds of gigabytes of data</li>     <li>The codebase has been developed and deployed continuously by the same team for more than a decade</li>     <li>Extensive <a class="external text" title="" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958330659781207843" rel="nofollow">documentation</a>, including helpful <a class="external text" title="" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958330660582530086" rel="nofollow">Installation</a> and <a class="external text" title="" href="/misc/goto?guid=4958330661365034979" rel="nofollow">Deployment</a> guides</li>     <li>Active Directory user and group synchronization</li>     <li>Secure authentication and transport (SSLv3, TLSv1, and SASL)</li>     <li>Support for LDAPv3</li>     <li>On-line, zero downtime, LDAP-based update of schema, configuration, management and in-tree Access Control Information (ACIs)</li>     <li>Graphical console for all facets of user, group, and server management</li>    </ul>    <br /> 389 Directory Server 发布了,该版本修复了 1.2.10.RC1 中的大量导致程序崩溃的问题以及一些未完成的补丁。