EmphasisTextView: 支持部分文字高亮的TextView
EmphasisTextView - 一个Android textview支持部分文字或全部文字高亮。
How to
To set the highlight areas you can add the following statements programmatically:
emphasisTextView.setText("SALAD"); emphasisTextView.setTextToHighlight("sa"); emphasisTextView.setHighlightColor("#ff3393b4"); emphasisTextView.setCaseInsensitive(true); emphasisTextView.highlight();
Please check the sample project for some more working examples.
Add it to your project
This library is hosted in jcenter
For gradle, you can import it with:
dependencies { compile 'com.athkalia.emphasis:emphasis:0.3' }
For maven, you can import it with:
<dependency> <groupId>com.athkalia.emphasis</groupId> <artifactId>emphasis</artifactId> <type>aar</type> <version>0.3</version> </dependency>
Feel free to open a pull request for anything that you want to see added.
What I have in mind:
1) Introduce a delegate when someone is using another class that is already extending from TextView (possibly another library).
2) Create similar functionality via xml attributes.