
464947068 9年前


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介绍关于Android的一些有趣的小知识点. 本文是第五篇了, 几乎一周一篇, 欢迎阅读.

其余 第一篇 , 第二篇 , 第三篇 , 第四篇 .

1. 模拟系统回收Activity.

使用adb命令可以模拟Android系统自动回收Activity进程, 可以调试这个效果.单进程

adb shell am force-stop [包名]


adb shell ps | grep [包名]  adb shell kill [PID]

2. Android库动态权限建议

Android 6.0使用动态权限, 在创建第三方库时, 需要充分考虑这一特性.

(1) 在自动Merge库的AndroidManifest时, 需要提供 危险权限 的提示文档.

(2) 当权限未获取时, 用户可以使用库的某一部分, 并提示缺少权限.

(3) 需要提供在权限获取失败时, 库使用方式的文档.

(4) 确保所有权限都是必须的, 不含有未使用权限.

关于提示用户获取权限的解决方案, 可以 参考 .

3. RxJava处理Retry请求服务器

服务器经常会出现异常, 应用需要连续尝试请求, RxJava可以非常简单的实现.


Observable<Boolean> source = ...; // Something that eventually emits true    source      .repeatWhen(completed -> completed.delay(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS))      .takeUntil(result -> result)      .filter(result -> result)      .subscribe(          res -> System.out.println("onNext(" + res + ")"),          err -> System.out.println("onError()"),          () -> System.out.println("onCompleted()")      );


/** * This is a class that should be * mapped on your json response from the server */  class ServerPollingResponse {      boolean isJobDone;        @Override      public String toString() {          return "isJobDone=" + isJobDone;      }  }    Subscription checkJobSubscription = mDataManager.pollServer(inputData)          .repeatWhen(new Func1<Observable<? extends Void>, Observable<?>>() {              @Override              public Observable<?> call(Observable<? extends Void> observable) {                  Log.v(TAG, "repeatWhen, call");                  /** * This is called only once. * 5 means each repeated call will be delayed by 5 seconds */                  return observable.delay(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);              }          })          .takeUntil(new Func1<ServerPollingResponse, Boolean>() {              @Override              public Boolean call(ServerPollingResponse response) {                  /** Here we can check if the responce is correct and if we should * finish polling * We finish polling when job is done. * In other words : "We stop taking when job is done" */                  Log.v(TAG, "takeUntil, call response " + response);                  return response.isJobDone;              }          })          .filter(new Func1<ServerPollingResponse, Boolean>() {              @Override              public Boolean call(ServerPollingResponse response) {                  /** * We are filtering results if we return "false". * Filtering means that onNext() will not be called. * But onComplete() will be delivered. */                  Log.v(TAG, "filter, call response " + response);                  return response.isJobDone;              }          })          .subscribe(                  new Subscriber<ServerPollingResponse>() {                      @Override                      public void onCompleted() {                          Log.v(TAG, "onCompleted ");                      }                        @Override                      public void onError(Throwable e) {                          Log.v(TAG, "onError ");                      }                        @Override                      public void onNext(ServerPollingResponse response) {                          Log.v(TAG, "onNext response " + response);                          // Do whatever you need. Server polling has been finished                      }                  }          );

参考参考 .

4. Chrome的JsonView插件

添加插件之后, 可以格式化的显示Json数据.

5. 显示Activity栈的Shell命令


adb shell dumpsys activity | sed -n -e '/Stack #/p' -e '/Running activities/,/Run #0/p'

直接获取Activity信息有些冗余, 我们只关注堆栈信息即可.


-n , 从截取处开始连续处理.

-e , 多选参数.

'/Stack #/p' , 输出含有 Stack # 的行.

-e '/Running activities/,/Run #0/p' , 输出从 Running activities 至 Run #0 的所有行.


  Stack #1:      Running activities (most recent first):        TaskRecord{299f41ea #2269 A=me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo U=0 sz=6}          Run #5: ActivityRecord{33926043 u0 me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo/.MainActivity t2269}          Run #4: ActivityRecord{3f181566 u0 me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo/.MainActivity t2269}          Run #3: ActivityRecord{22737e45 u0 me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo/.MainActivity t2269}          Run #2: ActivityRecord{ce0a990 u0 me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo/.MainActivity t2269}          Run #1: ActivityRecord{3de8e378 u0 me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo/.MainActivity t2269}          Run #0: ActivityRecord{1cb28ec4 u0 me.chunyu.spike.wcl_activity_launchmode_demo/.MainActivity t2269}    Stack #0:      Running activities (most recent first):        TaskRecord{bfee9cf #2241 A=com.miui.home U=0 sz=1}          Run #0: ActivityRecord{279bc098 u0 com.miui.home/.launcher.Launcher t2241}

6. dp和sp的区别

dp是Android页面常用的度量单位, sp主要用于字体度量.

在标准情况下, dp等于sp. 然而, Android系统允许用户设置字体大小, sp会随着字体的大小而改变, 放大或是缩小.

设置位置(红米): Android -> 设置 -> 字体大小 -> 标准(默认)或大小号.

7. AlertDialog获取全部屏幕监听

在Android 4.0以上, AlertDialog在触摸对话框边缘外部时, 对话框消失.

在AlertDialog.Builder.create(), 可以设置属性获取屏幕监听.



调用这个方法时, 按对话框以外的地方不起作用. 按返回键仍起作用.



调用这个方法时, 按对话框以外的地方不起作用. 按返回键也不起作用.

8. getColor遗弃

最新版本的getColor被遗弃(deprecated), 使用时, 需要添加主题.也可以使用兼容模式, 即

ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color.your_color);

ContextCompat.getColor 的源码

public static final int getColor(Context context, int id) {      final int version = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT;      if (version >= 23) {          return ContextCompatApi23.getColor(context, id);      } else {          return context.getResources().getColor(id);      }  }

9. libarchive和expat简介


Multi-format archive and compression library. 多格式存档和压缩库.



Expat is an XML parser library written in C. Expat是用C语言写的XML解析库.



libarchive 2.8.4和expat 2.1.0会产生漏洞, 如需修复, 需要升级Android的编译版本.

10. 网页重定向

默认链接会跳转其他链接, 根据链接内容, 进行相应操作, 如下载Apk等. 如果使用重定向, 则返回false; 如果非重定向, 则返回true.

        WebViewClient webClient = new WebViewClient() {              @Override              public boolean shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView view, String url) {                  if (url.endsWith(".apk")) {                      DownloadUtils.downloadFiles(url);                      if (mStartDownloadAppListener != null) {                          mStartDownloadAppListener.doAfter();                      }                      return true;                  }                  return false;              }          };          setWebViewClient(webClient);

OK, that’s all! Enjoy it!
