Microwork.js - 利用RabbitMQ在node.js中创建分布式可扩展的微服务
来自: https://github.com/yamalight/microwork
npm install --save microwork
Since Microwork.js is written in ES6, it uses babel to compile the code before publishing. Currently we're usinges2015-node babel preset that only works in latest stable node (4.x or later).
- Simple interface for building distributed (micro)services
- Easy way to scale services both horizontally (by adding more nodes) and vertically (by adding more subscribers)
- Extensible with plugins
Quick start
Example service that subscribe to messages from do.work topic and does some work with incoming data (in this case it just appends world! to incoming string):
import Microwork from 'microwork'; // create task runner const runner = new Microwork({host: 'your.rabbit.host', exchange: 'your.exchange'}); // add worker to specific topic await runner.subscribe('do.work', (msg, reply) => { reply('response.topic', msg + ' world!'); }); // after work is done - cleanup await runner.stop();
Example service that subscribes to messages from response.topic and logs them to console, as well as sends processing request to previously defined service:
import Microwork from 'microwork'; // create master const master = new Microwork({host: 'your.rabbit.host', exchange: 'your.exchange'}); // listen for reply from workers await master.subscribe('response.topic', (msg) => { console.log(msg); // -> "hello world!" }); // send message to workers await master.send('do.work', 'hello'); // after work is done - cleanup await master.stop();
Using multiple subscribers to distribute tasks
Example service that adds two different subscribers to the same topic, they will be rotated by RabbitMQ using round-robin strategy (see RabbitMQ tutorial 2 ):
// ... // add worker to specific topic await runner.subscribe('do.work', (msg, reply) => { reply('response.topic', msg + ' world!'); }); // add another worker // round-robin will be used to cycle between workers await runner.subscribe('do.work', (msg, reply) => { reply('response.topic', msg + ' world! Replies to every other message.'); });
You can do achieve the same result by instantiating two different services (e.g. on different servers) and subscribing to the same exchange and topic from them.
Microwork provides basic support for plugins. Following plugins are currently available:
Hardware stats plugin
Provides basic hardware stats about node (currently includes cpu with average load and memory information).
Example usage:
import HardwareStat from 'microwork/lib/plugins/hardwarestat'; // create service const service = new Microwork({host: 'docker.dev', exchange}); // register plugin service.registerPlugin(HardwareStat); // hardware autoreport interval, defaults to 60s service.hardwareReportInterval = 60000; // start autoreport service.autoreportHardwareStats();
To listen to the stats you need to tap into microwork.node.status topic, like so:
await service.subscribe('microwork.node.status', (stats) => { console.log(stats); // <- stats object /* e.g.: { "cpu": { "cpus": 8, // count "load": [1.1962890625,1.35107421875,1.34912109375] // avg load in last 1m, 5m, 15m }, "mem": { // in bytes "used": 15742152704, "free": 1437716480, "total": 17179869184 } } */ });
Health plugin
Provides basic keep-alive signal from node.
Example usage:
import HealthCheck from 'microwork/lib/plugins/healthcheck'; // create service const service = new Microwork({host: 'docker.dev', exchange}); // register plugin service.registerPlugin(HealthCheck); // report interval in ms, defaults to 30s service.healthchecksReportInterval = 30000; // start autoreport service.autoreportHealth();
To listen to the keep-alive signals you need to tap into microwork.node.alive topic, like so:
await service.subscribe('microwork.node.alive', (id) => { console.log(id); // <- live node id });
Subscribers info plugin
Provides basic info about subscribers from node.
Example usage:
import SubscriberStats from 'microwork/lib/plugins/substats'; // create service const service = new Microwork({host: 'docker.dev', exchange}); // register plugin service.registerPlugin(SubscriberStats); // init subs reporting service.initSubscribersReporting();
To retrieve the subscribers you need to tap into microwork.node.subscribers topic and then send an empty message to microwork.node.report.subscribers topic, like so:
await service.subscribe('microwork.node.subscribers', (info) => { console.log(info); // <- node info including ID and array of subscribed topics /* e.g. { id: '3a4a5bd0-9c58-4677-b89b-9e5107da265f', subscribers: [ { topic: 'test.sub', subscribers: 1 }, { topic: 'test.other.sub', subscribers: 2 }, { topic: 'microwork.node.subscribers', subscribers: 1 }, { topic: 'microwork.node.report.subscribers', subscribers: 1 } ] } */ }); await service.send('microwork.node.report.subscribers');