轻量级,直观的JavaScript库:Umbrella JS
Umbrella JS
Covers your javascript needs for those rainy days. A <2kb performant jquery-like library born from the question: You might not need jquery, then what do you need?
You probably need awesome CSS (like Picnic CSS) and a lightweight, modern and performant javascript library. This does:
- DOM tranversal (selector, filter, find, each, etc)
- DOM editing (classes & attributes, html, before, etc)
- Event handling
- Ajax
A simple example:
<a class="example button">Click me</a> <script> u('form.example').ajax(function(err, data){ if (err) u(".error").html("There was an error"); u('button.send').html("Send again, " + data.name); }, function(){ u('button.send').html("Sending..."); }); </script>
Getting started
There are few ways to use Umbrella JS:
Play with it
Instead of installing it, you can just play with it in JSFiddle:
Use a CDN
JSDelivr is an awesome service that hosts many open source projects so you don't need to even download the code:
Use bower
Bower is a front-end package manager that makes it super-easy to add a new package:
bower install umbrella
Download it
If you like it or prefer to try it locally, just download umbrella.min.js
Add it to your project:
<script src="umbrella.min.js"></script>
Up for grabs
For beginners in Javascript or contributing to an Open Source project, there are few issues that are made on purpose so you can help out. Check them out:
Support: IE11+
Current usage for IE 10- is under 1% for each version (8, 9, 10) so it's not Umbrella's mission to support this. However, those extra seconds gained from loading faster on mobile might be even bigger than that percentage. You should probably test it.
Author and License
Created and maintained by Francisco Presencia under the MIT license.