JNI Construction Benchmark
We provide the code for a small benchmark to compare the costs of JNI object creation, and then present theresults. The code contrasts three different approaches to constructing a Java Object that wraps a C++ object (which it has to construct). Such a scenario is common when writing a Java API wrapper for an existing C++ project. From Java we call a JNI C++ member function to construct the C++ object and return a jlong which represents the memory pointer to the C++ object. Similar to Scenario 1 , except that we use a static call to a JNI C++ function. Similar to Scenario 1 , however instead of returning a jlong pointer, we instead in C++ find the _nativeHandle member of the calling Java object, and then directly set the long field from C++. Test machine: MacBook Pro Retina Mid-2015: 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 / 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3. The com.evolvedbinary.jni.consbench.Benchmark class already calls each scenario 1,000,000 times, so for the benchmark we repeated this 100 times and plotted the results. Scenario 2 - By Call, Static, appears to have the lowest JNI overhead for constructing C++ objects from Java. If you want to run the code yourself, you need to have Java 8, Maven 3, and a C++ compiler that supports the C++ 11 standard. You can then simply run: In the target/ sub-directory, you will then find both a jni-construction-benchmark-1.0-SNAPSHOT-application folder and a jni-construction-benchmark-1.0-SNAPSHOT-application.zip file, you can use either of these. They both contain bash scripts in their bin/ sub-folders for Mac, Linux, Unix and batch scripts for Windows. JNI Construction Benchmark
Scenario 1 - By Call
public class FooByCall extends NativeBackedObject { public FooByCall() { super(); this._nativeHandle = newFoo(); } private native long newFoo(); ...
jlong Java_com_evolvedbinary_jni_consbench_FooByCall_newFoo(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj) { consbench::Foo* foo = new consbench::Foo(); return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(foo); }
Scenario 2 - By Call, Static
public class FooByCallStatic extends NativeBackedObject { public FooByCallStatic() { super(); this._nativeHandle = newFoo(); } private static native long newFoo(); ...
jlong Java_com_evolvedbinary_jni_consbench_FooByCallStatic_newFoo(JNIEnv* env, jclass jcls) { consbench::Foo* foo = new consbench::Foo(); return reinterpret_cast<jlong>(foo); }
Scenario 3 - By Call, Invoke
public class FooByCallInvoke extends NativeBackedObject { public FooByCallInvoke() { super(); newFoo(); //the native method, will find _nativeHandle from the class and set it directly } private native void newFoo(); ...
void Java_com_evolvedbinary_jni_consbench_FooByCallInvoke_newFoo(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj) { consbench::Foo* foo = new consbench::Foo(); //set the _nativeHandle in Java consbench::FooByCallInvokeJni::setHandle(env, jobj, foo); } template<class PTR, class DERIVED> class FooJniClass { public: // Get the java class id static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env, const char* jclazz_name) { jclass jclazz = env->FindClass(jclazz_name); assert(jclazz != nullptr); return jclazz; } // Get the field id of the member variable to store // the ptr static jfieldID getHandleFieldID(JNIEnv* env) { static jfieldID fid = env->GetFieldID( DERIVED::getJClass(env), "_nativeHandle", "J"); assert(fid != nullptr); return fid; } // Get the pointer from Java static PTR getHandle(JNIEnv* env, jobject jobj) { return reinterpret_cast<PTR>( env->GetLongField(jobj, getHandleFieldID(env))); } // Pass the pointer to the java side. static void setHandle(JNIEnv* env, jobject jdb, PTR ptr) { env->SetLongField( jdb, getHandleFieldID(env), reinterpret_cast<jlong>(ptr)); } }; // The portal class for com.evolvedbinary.jni.consbench.FooByCallInvoke class FooByCallInvokeJni : public FooJniClass<consbench::Foo*, FooByCallInvokeJni> { public: static jclass getJClass(JNIEnv* env) { return FooJniClass::getJClass(env, "com/evolvedbinary/jni/consbench/FooByCallInvoke"); } };
$ java -version java version "1.8.0_51" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_51-b16) Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.51-b03, mixed mode)
$ mvn clean compile package
来自: https://github.com/adamretter/jni-construction-benchmark