timecat - 强大的日志搜索辅助工具

jopen 9年前


强大的日志搜索辅助工具 - A powerful tool for search in log files.

安装 - Installation

两种方式 - There are two ways to get timecat.
1. pip install timecat
2. 或下载timecat文件后放在你的默认程序执行路径下 - Or directly download the timecat file, then add it to your default execution PATH

使用 - Usage

  1. timecat -d '2016-01-02' -s '20:13:14' -e '20:14:13' LOGFILE1.log LOGFILE2.log ...
  2. timecat -s '2016-01-02 20:13:14' -e '2016-01-02 20:14:13' LOGFILE1.log LOGFILE2.log ...
  3. For more: timecat -h

简介 - Description



日志的起始时间为Jan 1 20:13:14,日志的结束时间为Dec 31 20:14:13




timecat -s 'Apr  3 10:09:08' -e 'Apr  4 06:05:04' A.log > timecat.out


English Description

Imagine that given a log file A.log with its size reaches to 28G

The log starts from Jan 1 20:13:14, ends with Dec 31 20:14:13

Now you are required to output all the lines between April 3rd 10:09:08 and April 4th 06:05:04

What will you do? Use awk? Use grep? Or sed?

With timecat, you can do it this way:

timecat -s 'Apr  3 10:09:08' -e 'Apr  4 06:05:04' A.log > timecat.out

After this, timecat.out stores what you want, at an amazing searching speed.
When you have to search huge amounts of log files in production environment, this helps alot, saving huge amounts of disk I/Os, more importantly, time.

项目地址: https://github.com/fanfank/timecat