RxVolley = Volley + RxJava + OkHttp
RxVolley = Volley + RxJava + OkHttp
Retrofit? No, I like Volley.
If you are building with Gradle, simply add the following line to the dependencies
section of your build.gradle
compile 'com.kymjs.rxvolley:bitmapcore:1.0.1'
Getting Started
Builder pattern to create objects.
Callback method do Get request and contenttype is form
HttpParams params = new HttpParams(); //http header, optional parameters params.putHeaders("cookie", "your cookie"); params.putHeaders("User-Agent", "rxvolley"); //request parameters params.put("name", "kymjs"); params.put("age", "18"); HttpCallback callBack = new HttpCallback(){ @Override public void onSuccess(String t) { } @Override public void onFailure(int errorNo, String strMsg) { } } new RxVolley.Builder() .url("http://www.kymjs.com/rss.xml") .httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.GET) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH .cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min .contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.FROM)//default FROM or JSON .params(params) .shouldCache(true) //default: get true, post false .callback(callback) .encoding("UTF-8") //default .doTask();
Callback method do Post request and contenttype is json
String paramJson = "{\n" + " \"name\": \"kymjs\", " + " \"age\": \"18\" " + "}"; //request parameters, json format HttpParams params = new HttpParams(); params.putJsonParams(paramJson); new RxVolley.Builder() .url("http://www.kymjs.com/rss.xml") .httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.POST) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH .cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min .params(params) .contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.JSON) .shouldCache(true) //default: get true, post false .callback(callback) .encoding("UTF-8") //default .doTask();
return Observable<Result> type
Observable<Result> observable = new RxVolley.Builder() .url("http://www.kymjs.com/rss.xml") .httpMethod(RxVolley.Method.POST) //default GET or POST/PUT/DELETE/HEAD/OPTIONS/TRACE/PATCH .cacheTime(6) //default: get 5min, post 0min .params(params) .contentType(RxVolley.ContentType.JSON) .getResult(); //do something observable.subscribe(subscriber);
RxVolley can be included in any Android application.
RxVolley supports Android 3.1, API12 (HONEYCOMB_MR1) and later.
Which project uses it ?
CodeCafe https://github.com/kymjs/CodeCafe
My blog project.
OSChina Git App http://git.oschina.net/oschina/git-osc-android
OpenSourceChina company Git client.