获得免费的HTTPS证书:Get HTTPS for free!

dfd7 9年前


How to use this website

Go to: https://gethttpsforfree.com

The website works by generating commands for you to run in your terminal, then making requests to the Let's Encrypt ACME API to issue your certificate. Simply visit the above website and follow the steps! If you don't know how to do something, try clicking the help links that explain how to complete the step. If you're still confused, please create an issue and I'll address your issue ASAP!

Requirements for your local machine:

  • openssl
  • echo

Requirements for your server:

  • python or any webserver that can serve a static file

These should all be installed by default in Linux and Mac OSX. If you're running Windows, you might need to install Cygwin to get openssl and echo working on Windows.

How this website works

This website works by making requests to the Let's Encrypt API (using the ACME protocol). There's 5 steps to the process, which are explained below. Also, I encourage you to read the source code (it's not that long) and pop open your browser's debugger to see the ajax requests that are going on. Please, audit this!

Step 1: Account Info

First, the ACME protocol requires you register a public key and contact information so you can sign all the requests you make to the API. In this step, you need to put in an email and a public key. The javascript for this secion then converts the public key to a JSON Web Key (JWK). NOTE: currently only RSA 2048 and 4096 bit public keys are accepted by Let's Encrypt.

So if you paste it in this public key:

-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----  MIICIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAg8AMIICCgKCAgEA5aok6d72rkrGpOPAICSS  3JPrA0tbVs3mYPWmG7c5tGEY+w1slyI+3V64NsLw8p9YqNLyX/YDsnmkOUMUx6Bu  vx43daBrl//wz3hIOvidXyV4z65Nbrlto9qtLpfi+9lbEEYt2PLhr+KjguqjqOQj  qi2PgqdITGG+BZkU8xIrPzZCR/UPBotV/dGBj9vO1whTGlzpkihvXLf4rEFoJoEE  eOPMtqbxUp1KS41EgX2xFav9JHPVI1hm66K0eqlJrBl407j3xRNlekl4xorwfCkA  xC7xclofg3JZ7RIhv3DdaNe07IZ0QYup9dDufIcCKruAgu0hwYMwDHmZNrrWxMia  GQwagxs61mla6f7c1bvYY92PhfgpkQAN99MXdaTtvBbzDuY018QP+TVzzVH/hpjK  aFx4JlYkcVGqbYamUiP7il4Hldqp6Mm65IH/8nxuZFrN4tJ5VyMeWeZ5sKBBrXZE  1Je8524COYnvljGnaFAVaDRhAcTSEykveY8jx/r6MB95LkWcue7FXIQyX0D3/2lU  KTu/wrBCmhriqNa4FHcccLMyQkiMbs8mEoldNCwYDxvF5lYc19UDlleE855lME00  E/ogStmazzFrNWCzEJ+Pa9JVlTQonKRgWqi+9cWwV+AMd+s2F3wO+H2tlexe8pLo  Vw/42S44tHz4VuZuhpZvn3kCAwEAAQ==  -----END PUBLIC KEY-----

This step converts it to this JWK:

{    "alg": "RS256",    "jwk": {      "e": "AQAB",      "kty": "RSA",      "n": "5aok6d72rkrGpOPAICSS3JPrA0tbVs3mYPWmG7c5tGEY-w1slyI-3V64NsLw8p9YqNLyX_YDsnmkOUMUx6Buvx43daBrl__wz3hIOvidXyV4z65Nbrlto9qtLpfi-9lbEEYt2PLhr-KjguqjqOQjqi2PgqdITGG-BZkU8xIrPzZCR_UPBotV_dGBj9vO1whTGlzpkihvXLf4rEFoJoEEeOPMtqbxUp1KS41EgX2xFav9JHPVI1hm66K0eqlJrBl407j3xRNlekl4xorwfCkAxC7xclofg3JZ7RIhv3DdaNe07IZ0QYup9dDufIcCKruAgu0hwYMwDHmZNrrWxMiaGQwagxs61mla6f7c1bvYY92PhfgpkQAN99MXdaTtvBbzDuY018QP-TVzzVH_hpjKaFx4JlYkcVGqbYamUiP7il4Hldqp6Mm65IH_8nxuZFrN4tJ5VyMeWeZ5sKBBrXZE1Je8524COYnvljGnaFAVaDRhAcTSEykveY8jx_r6MB95LkWcue7FXIQyX0D3_2lUKTu_wrBCmhriqNa4FHcccLMyQkiMbs8mEoldNCwYDxvF5lYc19UDlleE855lME00E_ogStmazzFrNWCzEJ-Pa9JVlTQonKRgWqi-9cWwV-AMd-s2F3wO-H2tlexe8pLoVw_42S44tHz4VuZuhpZvn3k"    }  }

Step 2: Certificate Signing Request

Second, you need to specify the domains you want certificates for. That's done through a certificate signing request (CSR). The javascript in this section uses the ASN1.js library to parse the CSR and read the domains. NOTE: the private key for the domain cert cannot be the same as your account private key, according to ACME.

Step 3: Sign API Requests

Third, you need tell the Let's Encrypt API that you want to register and get certs for some domains. These requests must be signed with your account private key, so this steps compiles the request payloads that need signatures. You need to ask for challenges for each domain, so if you want bothexample.comandwww.example.com, you need to make two new-authz calls.

Here's the list of requests that need to be made to the API:

  • /acme/new-reg- Register the account public key (discarded if already registered)
  • /acme/new-authz- Asks for challenges for the domain for which you want a cert.
  • /acme/new-authz- (...needs to be called for each domain)
  • /acme/new-cert- Asking for your CSR to be signed.

NOTE: Each request also requires an anti-replay nonce, so the javascript gets those by making ajax requests to the/directoryendpoint.

For each request the payload must be signed, and since this website doesn't ask for your private keys, you must copy-and-paste the signature commands into your terminal.
