From binaries
We have installers for most plattforms here but you can run conan from sources if you want
From source
You can run conan client and server in Windows, MacOS, and Linux.
Install python and pip, search in google instructions for your operating system.
Clone conan repository
$ git clone https://github.com/conan-io/conan.git
Install python requirements
For running the client:
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ sudo apt-get install python-dev $ sudo pip install -r requirements_server.txt
$ sudo pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
Running the tests on Ubuntu
Make sure that the Python requirements have been installed.
Before you can run the tests, you need to set a few environment variables first.
The appropriate values ofCONAN_COMPILERandCONAN_COMPILER_VERSIONdepend on your operating system and your requirements. These should work for the GCC frombuild-essentialon Ubuntu 14.04:
You can run the actual tests like this:
$ nosetests .
About one minute later it should printOK:
.................................................................................................................................................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 146 tests in 50.993s OK
Create a launcher
Conan entry point is "conans.conan.main" module. Fill the absolute path of the cloned repository folder:
#!/usr/bin/env python import sys sys.path.append('/home/user/conanco/conan') # EDIT!! from conans.conan import main main(sys.argv[1:])
If you are a Windows user, you can name this file "conan.py" and create a file "conan.bat" that calls the python module:
CALL python C:/Users/user/conan.py %*
Then add that 'conan' file to your PATH and you are ready:
$ conan --help Conan commands. Type $conan "command" -h for help build calls your project conanfile.py "build" method. export copies a conanfile.py and associated (export) files to your local store, install install in the local store the given requirements. remove Remove any folder from your local/remote store search show local/remote packages test build and run your package test. Must have conanfile.py with "test" upload uploads a conanfile or binary packages from the local store to any remote. user shows or change the current user