3D WebGL 引擎:goojs
Goo Engine是一个开源的 3D 引擎,使用HTML5和WebGL进行渲染。
Goo Create的简单UI让你能够快速构建漂亮的3D屏幕。You can even add interactivity without a single line of code using our state machine system. And you still have the full power of JavaScript at your disposal if you need to take your project to a whole new level.
Project examples
How to build
npm install npm install -g grunt-cli grunt minify
Goo Create Platform
Goo Create is a complete 3D authoring platform built on top of the Goo Engine.
How to run unit tests and visual tests
Start a web server, e.g. using:
npm install st -g st --port 8000
And then open:
- Unit tests: http://localhost:8000/test/test.html
- Visual tests: http://localhost:8000/visual-test/
Style checks
To make sure that no incorrectly styled content appears, install the pre-commit hook:
grunt init-git
This makes Git check whether all added and modified files pass the style check before allowing a commit.
JS Doc
grunt jsdoc- outputs toout-doc
GooJS uses a custom documentation compiler, modoc; seetools/modoc/README.mdfor more details.
Building details
- Minified and mangled:grunt minify
- Minified:grunt minify-no-mangle
- Concatenated:grunt minify-dev