
jopen 9年前

类社交app tinder的滑动卡片效果,流畅,体验很好。可以用来实现滑到左边喜欢,右边不喜欢之类的功能,卡片内容的添加是用的Adapter。


  1. Download released .aar file Download current release

  2. put it into your project lib dir, "libs" for example.

  3. put following lines to your file

repositories {      flatDir {          dirs 'libs'      }  }    dependencies {      compile(name:'android-card-stack-0.1.0', ext:'aar')  }


Put CardStack in your layout file

 <com.wenchao.cardstack.CardStack          android:id="@+id/container"          android:layout_width="match_parent"          android:layout_height="match_parent"          android:padding = "20dp"          android:clipChildren="false"          android:clipToPadding="false"      />

Create your card view layout file.

Example: card_layout.xml, contain only a textview

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  <LinearLayout xmlns:android=""      android:orientation="vertical" android:layout_width="match_parent"      android:layout_height="match_parent">      <TextView          android:id="@+id/content"          android:layout_width="wrap_content"          android:layout_height="wrap_content"      />    </LinearLayout>

Implement your own adapter for the card stack. The CardStack will accept ArrayAdapter. The Following example extends a simeple ArrayAdapter, overridinggetView()to supply your costomized card layout

public class CardsDataAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<String> {        @Override      public View getView(int position, final View contentView, ViewGroup parent){          //supply the layout for your card          TextView v = (TextView)(contentView.findViewById(;          v.setText(getItem(position));          return contentView;      }    }

Get the CardStack instance in your activity

  protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {          super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);          setContentView(R.layout.activity_my);            mCardStack = (CardStack)findViewById(;            mCardStack.setContentResource(R.layout.card_content);          mCardStack.setStackMargin(20);      }

Finally, set the adapter

    mCardAdapter = new CardsDataAdapter(getApplicationContext(),0);      mCardAdapter.add("test1");      mCardAdapter.add("test2");      mCardAdapter.add("test3");      mCardAdapter.add("test4");      mCardAdapter.add("test5");        mCardStack.setAdapter(mCardAdapter);

Listening to card stack event

implement CardStack.CardEventListener, and set it as listenermCardStack.setListener(yourListener);

Class YourListener extends CardStack.CardEventListener{      //implement card event interface      @Override      public boolean swipeEnd(int direction, float distance) {          //if "return true" the dismiss animation will be triggered           //if false, the card will move back to stack          //distance is finger swipe distance in dp            //the direction indicate swipe direction          //there are four directions          //  0  |  1          // ----------          //  2  |  3            return (distance>300)? true : false;      }        @Override      public boolean swipeStart(int direction, float distance) {            return true;      }        @Override      public boolean swipeContinue(int direction, float distanceX, float distanceY) {            return true;      }        @Override      public void discarded(int direction,int direction) {         //this callback invoked when dismiss animation is finished.       }        @Override      public void topCardTapped() {           //this callback invoked when a top card is tapped by user.       }  }

