pstat [-f <defaults file>] [-i <local nets>] [-d <data dir>] [-e] [-g <core>] [-n mode] [-i <iface|pcap file>] [-d <path>]
[-v] [-x ] [-C] [-p] [-w] [-B <filter>] [-A <mode>] [-c <ip>] [-s <length>]
[--interface|-i] <interface|pcap> | Input interface name (numeric/symbolic)
| or pcap file path
[--data-dir|-d] <path> | Data directory (must be writable).
| Default: data
[--daemon|-e] | Daemonize pstat
[--dump-timeline|-C] | Enable timeline dump.
[--pid|-G] <path> | Pid file path
[--kill|-k] | Kill Daemon
[--packet-filter|-B] <filter> | Ingress packet filter (BPF filter)
[--snaplen|-s] <capture length> | capture length,if length less then 1,set to 128(default:128)
[--output-mode|-A] <mode> | Setup data output mode:
| bit 0(1) - set 1 to Enable detail file output(default 1)
| bit 1(2) - set 1 to Enable minute sum output(default 0)
| bit 2(4) - set 1 to Enable raw data output(default 0)
[--local-networks|-m] <local nets> | Local net ip (default:
[--filter-ip|-c] <ip address> | add ip to be ingored,16 max can be added
[--host-mode|-w] | treat filter ip to C class net(default no)
[--filter-port|-p] | add port into list to be watch,16 max can be added
[--block-mode|-n] | how to used port and ip list, block mod is 1, pass mode is 0:
| bit 0(1) - port list mode (default 0 )
| bit 1(2) - ip list mode (default 1)
[--rid-line|-x] <mode> | set to 1 to get rid of lines in content(default 0)
[--defaults-file|-f] <file name> | Use the specified defaults file
[--verbose|-v] | Verbose tracing
[--help|-h] | Help