加载和保存至颜色选择器的Sketch插件:Sketch Palettes

jopen 9年前



Move the Sketch Palettes plugin into your Plugins folder. You can get access to that folder by opening the Plugins menu, and choosing "Reveal Plugins Folder..."


Saving Palettes

Select "Save Palette..." from the plugin menu. This will grab the colors that are currently in the Document Colors section of the color picker, and save a .sketchpalette file to whatever location you choose.

Note: If you have the App Store version of Sketch, because of Apple's additional security features, a dialog will pop up asking you to authorize access to the folder you want to save to. You will only ever have to do this once. The version of Sketch downloaded directly from the website does not require this.

Loading Palettes

Select "Load Palette..." from the plugin menu. Open a .sketchpalette file containing the colors you want to load into the Document Colors section of the color picker. This will replace whatever colors that are currently there.

Removing Palettes

Select "Clear Palette" to remove all colors from the Document Colors section of the color picker.
