Vim的Go开发插件,它带有预先定义的合理设置(如在保存时自动gofmt)。提供自动完成、片段支持,改进语法高亮,转向工具链的命令,等等。If needed vim-go installs all necessary binaries for providing seamless Vim integration with current commands. It's highly customizable and each individual feature can be disabled/enabled easily.
- Improved Syntax highlighting with items such as Functions, Operators, Methods.
- Auto completion support viagocode
- Bettergofmton save, which keeps cursor position and doesn't break your undo history
- Go to symbol/declaration with:GoDef
- Look up documentation with:GoDocinside Vim or open it in browser
- Automatically import packages via:GoImportor plug it into autosave
- Compile your package with:GoBuild, install it with:GoInstall
- Quickly execute your current file/files with:GoRun
- Run:GoTestand see any errors in the quickfix window
- AutomaticGOPATHdetection based on the directory structure (i.e.gbprojects,godepvendored projects)
- Change or displayGOPATHwith:GoPath
- Create a coverage profile and display annotated source code in browser to see which functions are covered with:GoCoverage
- Lint your code with:GoLint
- Run your code through:GoVetto catch static errors
- Advanced source analysis tools utilizing oracle, such as:GoImplements,:GoCallees, and:GoReferrers
- Precise type-safe renaming of identifiers with:GoRename
- List all source files and dependencies
- Unchecked error checking with:GoErrCheck
- Integrated and improved snippets, supportingultisnipsorneosnippet
- Share your current code to with:GoPlay
- On-the-fly type information about the word under the cursor. Plug it into your custom vim function.
- Tagbar support to show tags of the source code in a sidebar withgotags
- Custom vim text objects such asa functionorinner function