创建虚拟现实360度视频展示的Polymer Web 组件:VR-video

jopen 9年前

创建虚拟现实360度视频展示的Polymer Web 组件。

Polymer Web Component to create virtual reality 360 video presentation.

It use babylonjs engine. Check more information about Babylon.css

Documentation and Demo http://ismaelfaro.github.io/vr-video


common use:

<vr-video video="[Video URL]" ></vr-video>

change camera setting:

  • cardboard:

    <vr-video camera="cardboard" video="[Video URL]" ></vr-video>
  • vr:

    <vr-video camera="vr" video="[Video URL]" ></vr-video>
  • Oculus:

    <vr-video camera="oculus" video="[Video URL]" ></vr-video>

User interaction

the user can mmove the camera using the mouse or drag in touch screens. If you use the CardBoard or Oculus camera you can use the device orientation to move arounf the 360 video.
