一个Android Material 日期范围选择器:MaterialDateRangePicker

jopen 9年前
一个Android Material 日期范围选择器,基于wdullaers MaterialDateTimePicker。

Credit to the original amazing material date picker library by wdullaer - https://github.com/wdullaer/MaterialDateTimePicker


-Added Time Range Picker

Date Selection


Time Selection


Support for Android 4.0 and up.

From the original library documentation -

You may also add the library as an Android Library to your project. All the library files live inlibrary.

Using the Pickers

  1. Implement anOnDateSetListenerorOnTimeSetListener
  2. Create a `DatePickerDialogusing the supplied factory

Implement anOnDateSetListener

In order to receive the date set in the picker, you will need to implement theOnDateSetListenerinterfaces. Typically this will be theActivityorFragmentthat creates the Pickers.


Implement anOnTimeSetListener

In order to receive the time set in the picker, you will need to implement theOnTimeSetListenerinterfaces. Typically this will be theActivityorFragmentthat creates the Pickers.

//new onDateSet  @Override  public void onDateSet(DatePickerDialog view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth,int yearEnd, int monthOfYearEnd, int dayOfMonthEnd) {    }    @Override  public void onTimeSet(DatePickerDialog view, int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth,int yearEnd, int monthOfYearEnd, int dayOfMonthEnd) {          String hourString = hourOfDay < 10 ? "0"+hourOfDay : ""+hourOfDay;          String minuteString = minute < 10 ? "0"+minute : ""+minute;          String hourStringEnd = hourOfDayEnd < 10 ? "0"+hourOfDayEnd : ""+hourOfDayEnd;          String minuteStringEnd = minuteEnd < 10 ? "0"+minuteEnd : ""+minuteEnd;          String time = "You picked the following time: From - "+hourString+"h"+minuteString+" To - "+hourStringEnd+"h"+minuteStringEnd;            timeTextView.setText(time);    }
